June 16, 2005

Check out the Scaminator 3000 Visit www.tuesdayswithmantu.com . Scroll to extras page. Launch the Scaminator 3000. I'm Mike Rotcherz.
  • hi rhinoqlit. Before the troll bannination police arrive, that is a pretty cool site. However, self-linkage is considered very presumptuous and extremely rude. There are stern imprecations not to do it all over this site, and numerous examples of what happens when you do. Sorry, but this post is not a good one.
  • Sir, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to step outside.
  • How did you figure out it's a self-link? I think the FPP looks a little like self-link spam, but are you certain?
  • User since: Today 1 FPP, 0 comments. Self-link or not, I'm inclined to think that anyone who posts an FPP on their first day of membership with no comments is either a) trawling for pagerank on a friend's site, b) super incredibly excited about the best freaking website they've ever seen and have to post it to every 'filter they can find, or c) just self-linking. So, which one is it, rhinoqlit? Or is it none of the above? As an aside... Tracicle, can we have a new pony? Specifically one where a user must be a member for X days and have posted Y comments (even as little as 5 each would cut down the self-linkers or pagerank trawlers) before they can front-page?
  • Seconded
  • What a bunghole
  • Ohhh, thanks Argh...now I understand.
  • also
  • also his email is [email protected], and the site is purportedly about the exploits and book of... rich siegel. if i'd googled the username and psued i'd have found out more. man, you really really suck, rhinoqlit.
  • Plus, I think it was mean the way those people boo'd Ashley...we should show them by buying her new CD.
  • Jesus, lighten up. If you can't find the funny on the site and enjoy the fact that a bunch of Nigerians scammers got reamed, then there's really no hope. Here's an idea: laugh more at the absurdities of life.
  • Go shill your crap somewhere else, dickhead, and take your homiletic pieties with you.
  • We don't need to laugh at life, you self-promoting tool. We have you to mock instead.
  • Banned, more for the arrogant comment than for the self-link. And for the fact that he's a career self-linker according to Argh's google search.
  • And also, it's Urine Day.
  • Specifically one where a user must be a member for X days and have posted Y comments (even as little as 5 each would cut down the self-linkers or pagerank trawlers) before they can front-page? I was just compiling a long and interesting to-do list (which is on my wiki userpage) by trawling the comments on my blog. There has been a group of people asking that we impose a minimum number of comments before people can post, and about an equal-sized group asking that we don't. I thought about it myself and my conclusion was that (and someone else said it too) at least this way people aren't resorting too much to trying to hide evidence of their self-links, so they're easy to rectify. So for that reason alone, I'm leaving the self-link policy as-is for now, and imposing no limits on new members -- which would be punishing the whole for the sake of a few -- in order that we can spot the blatant and idiotic attempts that people make to get traffic to their blogs. I know this link is still on the front page right now. I'm having trouble accessing the server to change the post's status.
  • We don't need to laugh at life, you self-promoting tool. Hey! Fine, I'll go hawk my scrimshaw coasters elsewhere.
  • I thought the Australian guy was funnier. Especially Don Quixote.
  • ah man... I hate it when I come late to a party! obligatory self link
  • We can get banned now for arrogant comments? Uh-oh.
  • man, you guys are good. didn't we come up with some kind of word for this? linksterbater or some such thing?
  • man, you guys are good. didn't we come up with some kind of word for this? linksterbater or some such thing? I propose "Linksterbator 3000". (If you go to my site, then scroll to the Xtras category and then click on the... Uh, nevermind)
  • Rich Siegel, Rich Siegel... I know that name. Oh yeah, he's the president of Mac software company BareBones, known for their exellent text editor BBEdit. I use that program daily, didn't know that Rich was also trolling Nigerian Scammers.
  • Hurray for tracicle! Requiring a minimum number of comments before someone can post simply because we get a functional illiterate like this nitwit every so often seems to me like punishing the many for the faults of a few. Because most newcomers don't behave like this.
  • yes, we must not scare the newcomers. need more braaains...
  • Nonetheless, my scam name is "Don Keedick"...
  • Me, I'm just glad we have a new eeked post to mock.
  • Seems like everybody has already piled on. I thought it the Scaminator 3000 was a useless bit of technology. I have a middleschool nearby. I can ask any 6th grade boy to come up with those names and get more creative ones. Wot a maroon.
  • ...glad we have a new eeked post to mock Heh. Yes, these posts do seem to have a certain enterttainment value.
  • This is still on the front page, btw.
  • I wish I had a website to link to :(
  • ...(just want to get some comments in before the thrilling ride to eekland.) WHEE!!!
  • I had a client last year who was not particularly bright. His driver's license had been revoked because he had not taken care of a series of old traffic tickets. We met in court to have his case continued and I told him that he had to have those old tickets taken care of so that we could get him a favorable dispostion in the present case. He informed me that it was goint to take a lot of money to pay off the old tickets, but that I should not worry about it because he was about to receive a considerable amount of money from someone in Nigeria. I knew nothing of the scam, but I had received that email not long before he told me that. I asked him to tell me a bit how he was going to get the money from Nigeria. He told me that he might be needing a lawyer to help him handle that, but that it was a lot of money. I chose not to tell him that he was being scammed and not to do it. After all, I had no proof that it was a scam, and, well, he looked so damn earnest at the time that I didn't want to crush his hopes.
  • Well, if not minimum comments, which I completely understand why many wouldn't want a requirement, can we at least have a minimum day waiting requirement before posting front-page? Like 1 week? I'm sure that anyone who may be a lurker/non-commenter who finds something cool could cool their jets a couple days first... ?
  • ...And now he's in prison. Nice going.
  • That tease was for bernockle.
  • I would think that most people doing this sort of thing would post immediately after creating their account... How about a two or three hour waiting period?
  • What is it with the Nigerians? No offense if any Monkeys have Nigerian affiliations. I worked with some Nigerians as far back as 30 years ago and they were all about teh get rich quick schemes. One even asked the boss for a day off so he could go to Chicago to earn $10,000 in a day. Turned out he thought if he showed up in person at a radio station that was giving away that prize amount, he would have the advantage over the lame-os who were calling in! Uh, he didn't win and was back in the bindery with the rest of us losers the next day.
  • New members already have to wait a certain length of time before I activate their account -- usually around 24, but sometimes longer if I'm away from the computer because I do it manually (so I do actually vet some of the more obvious self-linkers). I did that to prevent more Cock-ups like we had in the first week, but it also prevents (I think) angry people joining to flame after their site is picked on, or similar scenarios. By the time they can comment, they've had time to calm down. The server's ssh access is still down, so yes this post is still up. Grah. And if arrogant comments alone got people banned, I'd have banned myself a year and a half ago. Bow down to me!
  • I'm always late to the party! *pout* But I just anted to say that this is one of the reasons I love this place. Everyone is lovely to legitimate members, but anyone who comes here under false pretenses is instantly ripped to shreds. Love it.
  • So for that reason alone, I'm leaving the self-link policy as-is for now, and imposing no limits on new members -- which would be punishing the whole for the sake of a few -- in order that we can spot the blatant and idiotic attempts that people make to get traffic to their blogs. A wise decision from our benevolent dictator. : )