June 10, 2005

The brand new Louvre.fr is absolutely gorgeous and full of stuff. (via AEIOU)

Just as an example, have a closer look at the code of Hammurabi or Mona Lisa (with sound).

  • I am so glad I grew up in Québec! Thanks!
  • Nice English Mona link - thanks! One so rarely gets to admire the backside. Very interesting. I was half expecting her to flash her auriculas. ;-)
  • I once wrote a scholarly monograph (ahem!) on the first director of the Louvre, Dominique-Vivant Denon (who you can read a little bit about in Kundera's Slowness). Part of this involved spending most of a year reading books about this most fascinating of fellows and his stewardship of the museum. As a consequence, the Louvre is something of a temple to me, partly because the more you know of it, the more it graciously repays your learning. It was thusly with a great deception that I read The requested URL /francais/fr_d.htm was not found on this server. Curse you Frenchy whelps and your government-funded servers of étatisme! I am undone again.
  • Also, a couple of hours ago I was in a passenger train that ran some fellow over. They carried him off in a couple of separate pieces. Although he'd thrown himself under the wheels, he'd only succeeded in losing a leg. Now that's a really bad day's work and no mistake! /inappropriate derail
  • the Louvre is something of a temple to me Wolof, your modesty continues to amaze me.
  • / smartass Great Link!
  • They have legless figures in there, too.
  • Ah sorry the first link opens in French, it should be in English, like this.
  • It's a beautiful site. It's been twenty years since I've been to Paris (gasp!) and it provoked wistful longing. Thanks, Koant. not at all surprised that it's something of a temple for Wolof.
  • Also try the Hermitage if you haven't seen it.
  • Wonderful, thanks koant.