February 06, 2004

Ass Hunter In this online game you are a hunter going against savages that only have one thing on their minds. NSFW
  • Sullivan; To me, this offensive "game" seeks only to reinforce hurtful stereotypes on any number of cultural and sexual levels. HOWEVER I respect your right to post it and would defend that right with my life. THUS We both feel better, yes?
  • It's hardly worth playing either way.
  • It's pretty unexciting...until you lose! (I don't like the steering though.)
  • Voltaire and forced anal sex. Two great tastes that go great together!
  • Well, same sex funny business was decriminalised in France as a result of the Revolution, and that had more than a little to do with Voltaire. Although he did accuse Rousseau of being a big puf.
  • That was a bit unclear
  • Ah the Feebles. As far as I know, it and Let my puppets come are the only two movies with puppet porn. Feebles had the heartwarming rabbit though.
  • There's something very odd about the steering that I can't quite handle. It made me wish that it moved like the overhead view in Spectre VR, and then I got all nostalgic. Oh, and yeah, it's pretty offensive. And/but the "bloody slaughter of naked, unarmed humans" angle offends me as much as the "let's kill the homos" angle. On the other hand, it was definitely the result of people sitting around, trying to make up a game, and thinking, "Surely, surely, what the bad guys need to do is fuck you up the ass!" And I can see how that works.
  • It just occured to me that I should point out that I am not supporting the shooting of gay people out of terror that they will force me to submit to entering through the exit door, as it were. I just happen to think it's funny because it's unusual and because I was bored on a Friday afternoon. Did I miss something in the game that referred to Voltaire, or am I just obtuse?
  • I think this is the third FPP to ebaumsworld in the last ten days. (First Earring Man, then Charlie Brown, and now this.) I like ebaumsworld, but .. could we give it a rest?
  • tracicle: Voltaire pez: seen Avenue Q, yet? verstigan: ebaumsworld is really just a repository for stuff from all over the web that gets so popular that it would be /.ed if left on its own. It's a host site, tho' you can certainly see that the tenor of most of what's over there is somewhat similar.
  • "...what the bad guys need to do is fuck you up the ass!" That part is brilliant: just picture the empty beer cans (do the French drink cheap beer in aluminum cans? whatever) everywhere during the brainstorm that led to its creation. Terrible game otherwise, though: boring, limited, predictable, tactically shallow, awkward control. We are getting a little farkular lately, but I'm not complaining.
  • Its got nothing on this game.
  • Throw rocks at boys. Much more acceptable violence. Well, at least a much better game.
  • Short, though. Only four levels, and I finished it on the first go.
  • funny, there was a quote from Voltaire on the Quote of the Day . . . coincidence??? I don't *think* so! "The multitude of books is making us ignorant." Voltaire (1694 - 1778)
  • Ah, I see now. Thanks, forks. I would like to add that a) I now have the "Duelling Banjos" tune stuck in my head, and b) we are getting a little farktastic, but I'm sure it's just a phase and tomorrow we'll be listening to some Chopin and eating caviar beside the croquet pitch.
  • You know, I thought it was funny, maybe precisely because I don't think of being gay when I think of anal sex. Anyone with an anus can do it; in fact, the way it is illustrated seems to suggest a very particularly straight anal sex, as the savages show no interest in the hunter save as a receptical. Sex with the same sex not out of desire, but as a last resort, as has happened in all male situations. If they were gay savages, you would think they would want to undress the hunter, or seem to be more attracted to him. All in all, it's crude, it's lewd, but it's funny. I wasn't offended, and I'm bi. That said, I suck at video games.
  • Monkeyfilter: Anybody with an anus can do it.
  • beat me to it goetter
  • Excuse me - I said anyone with an anus can do it. Sounds so much more genteel than "anybody", and everyone knows that anus discussions always promote gentility.
  • jb, you poet, you put the ass in assonance. Thanks for the correction!
  • jb definitely wins some sort of prize for writing a witty, intersting post in which every single sentence can be used as a MonkeyFilter: seems to suggest a very particularly straight anal sex type stylee. That the follow up post was even better begins to seem like showboating... I didn't find the game too offensive, really. Not very funny (and godawful gameplay), but not offensive. In other news, I was standing at the urinal in the pub tonight, and this bloke comes up to his friend who was pissing next to me, thumps him on the shoulder in a masculine way, and says, "So, we going to go beat up all the gays, yeah?". Hmmm.