May 27, 2005

us probes viagra/blindness link..., um... is it me, or does the joke for this just about write itself?
  • speaking of that, this is absolutely hilarious. new yorker's take on that warning about boners lasting longer than four hours. "harder than chinese arithmetic." heh.
  • I saw this story at the gym, then weirded out everyone around me by giggling a lot.
  • i know, meredithea! a couple colleagues and i were laughing our asses off. it's like god looked down and said, "see? i TOLD you not to use it too much or you'd go BLIND!!! i made it go all flaccid for a REASON, you stupid human man!!"
  • *sniff* boy talk about being hard on a guy . . .
  • my husband tried viagra (recreationally) at a party, while he was already drunk. foolishly he took 150mg instead of the standard 50mg. being drunk he did not even achieve um, the intended goal. however, upon waking the next morning he had a boner you could build a skyscraper on (or, I suppose, code blue on the guccione tumnescense scale), and a migrainous headache. tragically I was too hungover to take advantage thereof....fie on you bourbon! FIE!!
  • Pesky boners...when will they ever learn?
  • *sigh* they'll never learn. And neither will I.
  • A conservative Christian coworker of mine found this article very giggle-worthy and I am not sure why. I figure it serves the fuckers (that is, the FDA and/or insurance companies) right for making it easier to get Viagra than birth control in this country. /soapbox
  • I agree, cabingirl. Viagra is covered for men on my (University) insurance, but birth control is only covered if you're taking it for a reason *other* than birth control! (Luckily, the drs. here are very good about giving you a "reason.")
  • Now, if they'd only announce that it can cause hair growth on the palms too, then you'd really have the punch-line.