May 25, 2005

Too Much Information The LiveJournal community where posters compare their stories of stools, scars, abcesses, menstrual mishaps, etc. in graphic detail with helpful pictures. Not for the easily squicked (that's "grossed out") but utterly captivating in a sick way.
  • The web has finally imploded...(and probably caused an abcess in the process) I will NOT click on that one. Good job with the description, six.oh.six, you talked me right out of it.... I am curious, however, as to which monkey you thought would be interested in that??? I want names!
  • I thought squicking was when you popped out somebody's eyeball and fucked them in the socket? I think I may have answered HuronBob's question.
  • HuronBob: Hey, at least I gave you proper information. I could have just left it with no description. What do they call that? Linkbombing or something? Too soothe your frazzled nerves, how about a link to the often-graphic Bad Sex community? Eh? Eh?
  • Those people are weeeaak... not ONE intestinal worm story? I mean, come on, there's a guy right there on the front page who eats off the floor.
  • ‘Grandpa! What the fuck! Put some clothes on!!!’ heh.
  • I thought Urine Day waen't till next month.
  • Actually I find this sort of stuff incredibly interesting. I used to read a usenet group that I'll be fucked if I can remember the name of, but it was devoted to gross stuff. Really, really funny. Also, you learn exactly how healthy you are by reading about other people's horror stories. It is kind of comforting, in a sickening sort of way. There's something rather interesting about pus.
  • Chyren: the legendary alt.tasteless?
  • Yeap. I unsubscribed about 6 years back. Forgive my memory loss. Amazing how I can forget things that were once so everyday for me. I live in a perpetual present; the past is a foggy otherworld that happened to someone else.
  • I get no kick from shampoo. Mere alcohol doesn't cause me to fuss, so tell me why should it be true that I get a kick out of pus...
  • bees... interesting take on that song...however, in the original the first line doesn't rhyme with anything, nor does the second, but the third and fourth lines rhyme... could you please fix your version so I don't stay awake all night running that through my head screaming "NO, NO, it's all WRONG!!!".. thanks, and please don't take too long... original...and try to get it right this time! I get no kick from champagne Mere alcohol doesn’t thrill me at all So tell me why should it be true That I get a kick out of you
  • Heh. What I've written is what I wrote. Ye have to make your own adjustments, Huron Bob, since fifty per cent of the final result is up to you as reader. Thanls to Tom Lehrer I can never hear the word 'champagne' sung in a song without mentally tweaking it to 'shampoo'.
  • I think in light of the original post, it should be: "I get a kick out of poo" or goo, or spew...
  • most of them are more entertaining than gross, but i guess you have to be prepared for the worst. Nice post.
  • MonkeyFilter: There's something rather interesting about pus. I won't click and you can't make me.
  • Ye know, I haven't looked at the link. And don't think I'll bother -- I just riffed off Chy's 'There's something rather interesting about pus.'
  • Gaaahhhh! I clicked few a through of those and there is a dude cutting off bits of his bits! I nearly threw up. I havn't had this much fun in a long while, thanks six.oh.six and the pus, my god, THE PUS!!
  • Pus is extremely interesting and very satisfying. When I was 14 they gave me that injection thingie in the arm at school, and I had to prevent it getting wet. WELL, eventually it swole up into a big purple pimple, which itched. I'll never forget, I was in a hotel in Dublin, and I said to myself, I'll just give it a tiny squeeze.. a blob of pus went shooting about 4 feet across the room! I was surprised. Yellow matter oozed. I went to the bathroom and squeezed out a perfectly round cheese-like ball of pus with the consistancy of .. well, cheese. It was HUGE, people. I should have kept it but I flushed it in a wad of kleenex. God it was satisfying.
  • A Day of Inflamey I've got ye under my skin I've got ye deep in the arm of me So deep in the arm that you're really a harm to me... /buzzes off, pursued by the shade of Cole Porter
  • *looking for heavy-duty cleaner* Pus also has a curious smell, you've noticed? Chy, haven't laughed that hard from a post in a good while
  • And a true story, unlike most of mine.
  • Heh, not laughing that it happend to you, but the graphic honesty...
  • I need to preface this story with a piece of information. The biggest pastime in the USN is tryng to gross out another sailor. I'm pretty hard to gross out, but I'm also not any good at doing it to other people. Except once: When I was in nuke school, I won the booger pickin' contest. I knew I was going to win, because Florida gave me lots of boogers, constantly. I think it was the humidity, combined with I had lived in the desert for a decade before getting immersed in the swampy air of Florida. Anyways, I didn't just win the contest. I picked the largest booger ever humanly possible. The part I grabbed was a solid crust that coated the whole surface area of my nostril, like a thimble. Behind this wall was goo, but it was tough and stringy. The main mass of string went back into my sinus cavity, where it met up with much more booger, and then strecthed down into my other nostril. It took somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes to work this puppy out without breaking it. As it was coming out the right nostril, I could feel it sliding up the left one (I couldn't really feel it in the cavity. I suspect there's not many nerves up there). It was really three boogers that happened to be connected, each of these sub-boogers were still large enough to win any contest. The initial thimble shaped mass completely covered the tip of my finger, passed the fingernail, yet it was still smaller than the central mass from the cavity. I wish I had some unit of measure that could adequately explain just how large this booger was. I was 23 years old at the time, with an audience of about 20 sailors (both male and female). It was spectacular. This is the thing from my Naval days that I'm most proud of.
  • Well, I can't beat Chy's cheese ball or Mr. K.'s booger extraordinaire, but I do have a couple nosey stories of my own ... when I was little, I used to get nosebleeds a lot. Instead of tilting my head forward to properly drain the blood into the tissue, I would tilt my head back, because that's what mom said to do. When the bleeding slowed, I'd give a good hard blow into the tissue. I found the huge gob of blood and mucous to be immensely satisfying. Secondly, when I was working in a bakery (and breathing in a lot of flour, which I guess is what caused this), I developed a huge and painful zit on the side of my nose. One day I locked myself in the employee bathroom and applied a hot, damp paper towel to draw it out. A nosehair emerged, through the side of my nose. Then it happened again on the other side. Really more creepy-feeling than gross, but there you have it.
  • Oh, PUKE! I refuse to click on this again! *exit, gagging all the way
  • She'll be back.
  • You people are making me insane.
  • Yay!!