May 25, 2005

CBGB - the famousinfamous NYC club that became a mecca of "punkdome" after providing spawing ground for countless bands - is about to lose it's legendary footing at 315 Bowery.

CBGB's landlord, Bowery Residents' Committee, is a non-profit organization run by volunteers to provide social services for the homeless, drug addicts, and HIV-infected residents. Apparently the BRC has proposed doubling CBGB's rent from $20,000 a month to $40,000. There have been several court battles, and apparently it's now for the courts to decide. CBGB's lease is up this August - if the courts side with the BRC-proposed rent increase, say goodbye... Gentrified by the homeless? Now there's a twist. Don't miss the "Million Pug March" orgainzed by Project Save CBGB & OMFUG on June 11: Pugs will march to protest the proposed closing of famed pug rock club CBGBs on the Bowery! All dogs are welcome to join our march! Pugs do not discrimate! (Cats are another story.) Their press release What Joey Ramone's mother says... A handy-dandy online petition Hell, May is National Preservation Month in the U.S. Historic landmark worth saving? On a sidenote inspired by SideDish, I doubt their restrooms are listed in the "Where To Go" guide.

  • Damn, I previewed how many times!? to catch typos, and I missed one on the FP again! Spawning spawing. Hell, I give up, from now on let me be known as the gramatically-uncorrect FPPoster...
  • Signature #9666. Spooky. I have to say, though, it's hard to get myself filled with righteous indignation against an organization for the homeless. But there is an undeniable history attached to the place, and it'd be a shame if it were moved. Just look at the new Gotham Book Mart -- it's just an ordinary bookstore now. CBGB has to be on the Bowery at Bleeker. It's just that simple. Hell, the corner up was renamed "Joey Ramone Place" -- they can't very well move THAT now, can they?
  • Geez, all that history. Seems a shame.
  • I have seen some good music in that place.
  • But...but...I've never been there. It's like punk rock Mecca. v_v
  • Holy shit - CBGB can pay $20,000 a month rent?
  • A large chunk of their monthly $20,000 rent probably comes from merchandising - I'm assuming. Still, does seem like a lot to come up with each month!
  • It's a shame - and I saw some good music there, also two Japanese twins smearing each other with butter and dancing with candles during the brief strange glory days of CB Performance Space, ah youth - but on the other hand I think bars/clubs/restaurants et al have a natural life cycle and not much is accomplished by attempting to extend it. HOWEVER, doubling the rent is a pretty bullshit move and tantamount to saying "go away," so it isn't really a natural death, more like murder. Aren't there caps on commercial real estate rent increase increments the way there are on residential? My landlord can only increase my rent by a max of 10% each time the lease renews (which he does faithfully, of course.)
  • I saw... OK, mostly bad music there, but it's a great place, and I can't believe it's going to be evicted. Won't somebody think of the cockroaches?? Man, that men's room makes the one at old Comiskey Park look like the Waldorf-Astoria... but it's punk rock!
  • The commode smack in the middle of the men's room in full-view. We'd always joke about someone having the balls to sit on that crapper and take a big 'ol nasty one... Surely it must have happened on occasion.
  • Things are not looking good for the future of the club. The BRC has cut-off all negotiations with CBGB's. August 31 is just around the corner. CBGB's has a month-long series of benefit shows - - a last attempt to save their punkdome. Check out the bands playing - - many are reuniting just to help save this place... Circle Jerks, D.I., Adolescents, Channel 3 and Zero Boys all in one night!! More TBA - perhaps they're gonna really pull out some big guns? Ok, so I was a punk back in the day
  • Hey, the Accused are playing, too. I went to school and hung out with some of those guys!
  • Heh, cool Darshon! I've got a nice tattered 'n abused Accused tshirt buried away somewhere. Saw them live years back.
  • The Accused are still around? Awesome. Martha!!
  • Good news indeed! *does a stagedive*
  • Eviction notice served Hilly Kristal's response It's not looking very good from what I've read and heard in the local NYC news. Sounds like the Executive Director for the BRC enjoys being a complete ass. CBGB's has offered to pay $97,500 in back rent (which a city court ruled CBGB's didn't even owe), increased rent, and promised to raise $100,000 for the BRC! Still, they aren't budging... fuckwads! *sigh*
  • We're going to take the urinals - I'll take whatever I can... Patti Smith scheduled to wind things down on Sunday evening. Adieu...
  • I don't think I would actually touch a CBGB urinal, but Godspeed, CBGB. Enjoy your prized place in Rock n Roll heaven. Joey will be glad to see you.
  • I took a dump in CBGB last summer. As I was sitting on the throne, I wondered how many famous people shot themselves up on that very spot.
  • rocket, it wasn't the throne smack in the wide-open was it??
  • No, it was in a small room without a lock...and there were no mens/ladies designations on the rooms.
  • CBGB panoramas, Oct. 13th, 2006 (QuickTime)
  • The club is gone, and now, so is Hilly... Kristal, who lost a bitter fight last year to stop the club's eviction from its home of 33 years, died Tuesday at Cabrini Hospital after a battle with lung cancer