May 25, 2005

Take your dog to work day is less than a month away. Oh no it isn't.

(sigh) First 'Mother's Day', now this.

  • I demand a 'Bring Your Cats To Work' day. Imagine the chaos, the spitting, the furballs! My lovely girls would brighten any office. And hopefully draw blood.
  • as an employer, all I can think of to say is "NO!!!" (that's just before I say WTF?) I've had employees bring pets in, they are a distraction, they disturb some of our other employees/clients, they poop on the floor, they shed... If you need to bring a pet in to work, put your fish in your pocket, keep it there, and go home before it REALLY starts to smell.. It looks like scam on the part of the dog sitters association that sponsors through it and you'll see that they will sell you t-shirts promoting their organization....
  • they are a distraction, they disturb some of our other employees/clients, they poop on the floor, they shed... i could say the same thing about middle management.
  • Ha ha ha! Gotcha!
  • SideDish wins!
  • SideDish always wins. That's why she's on the list.
  • I was going to respond to Imagine the chaos, the spitting, the furballs! with, how is that different from any normal day at work? But SideDish wins. It's funny, cuz Mr. Koko and I talked about me taking Kitty in today to do my work for me. She could easily do what I do, and probably get it done faster.
  • Telling me how close I came and yet still managed to fail doesn't make me feel any better.
  • they are a distraction, they disturb some of our other employees/clients, they poop on the floor, they shed... At my office, people regularly bring their toddlers in for the entire day. So this is just a normal day. Except for the shedding part.
  • What if your dog is dead?
  • Your dog is dead, SysRq?
  • What if your dog is dead? Take the day off.
  • you'll just have to wait for Bring Your Dead Dog to Work Day, Sys
  • If your doggy is dead, I suggest you get the services of Perpetual Pet before bringing him to the office.
  • SysRq, you can clone your dog for $50, just like this Texas woman did for her lost cat. THEN you can observe this holiday, but it would not be in the spirit of the holiday (in terms of adopting).
  • oops, it's not that cheap, $50K
  • I think in some offices this happened last year. The behaviors rubbed off. I heard this in the elevator the other day: "Will someone please tell the boss my ass is not a chew toy." Come TYDTW Day, I'll listen for the pitter pat of six happy feet. Either that, or Sys doing step-step, drag. Step-step, drag.
  • Man, when's "Take your severed, oozing head to work in a bag with you and leave it in that shifty guy's cubicle so that everyone will think he's a murderer and not notice that you've missed your deadlines" day?
  • That's in July, js.