May 25, 2005

A handy invention for all you butterfieldfingered Jedi Out There.
  • That's exactly what I thought when I watched Obi Wan drop his for the umpteenth time. If digital cameras have them...
  • Jedis can make their light sabre float back to them just by reaching for it.
  • using valuable slashing seconds... any proper time and motion study would have pointed this oue ages ago...
  • But if you were to drop it while ignited, it might swing about on your wrist, slashing your legs and lower bits. Sabres apparently have a gravity switch that switches them off when they are dropped, which is safer. Vader was able to throw his lit sabre to cut a gantry, but then that's Vader.
  • I would actually have gone with Gorilla Snot, which many musicians out there will grok. Maybe in SW universe it's Wookiee Snot.
  • Yoda throws his too in Ep III - right into trooper's chest. I love him.
  • I was sad when you died :(
  • Made the whole movie for me.
  • I think storm troopers are much more awesome when they're orange and white.
  • I think the Jedi need to go through periodic refresher courses or something. They seem to forget some of their basic skills under duress. Two times in Episode III, they seem to forget that they can fly through the air, and end up hanging precariously from ledges, struggling to get back up. Once it was Obi Wan, the other time it was Yoda. Yoda! Isn't he the supreme master of the Force? Worst. Jedis. Ever.
  • I'm not really dead (screw youm quiddo), just sleeping, ready to awake when the monkeys need me, or Lucas realises he needs a bad-assed Jedi for these TV things he's planning. I'm filling in the time with some porn work over the summer, and a panto at Christmas.
  • Yeah, the Pr0n I can see, with all those tentacles.
  • You're never far from tentacle sex on monkeyfilter.
  • /gobsmacked
  • It aint your gob that'll be gettin' smacked, if ya know what I'm sayin...
  • He's outgrossed me, people. He's outgrossed me.
  • Thank you, thank you. My name's kitfisto, I'll be here all week.
  • *holds thread at arm's length, pinches nose* *offers thread to Japanese businessman*
  • and end up hanging precariously from ledges Great new Jedi Invention no.2: railings
  • I think we have to wait until Jedi to see some serious railing action...
  • Sadly, yes. But jedi always seem to find precarious places to fight, railings or not.
  • Sadly, yes. But jedi always seem to find precarious places to fight, railings or not.
  • Since someone alerady mentioned pron, I won't feel bad for going into adult territory. Here's a NSFW article about how women can make a lightsaber of their own...(NSFW)
  • Yeah, but its the Sith who fall down big heights. And Imperials. "You rebel scum" = cue Wilhelm Scream.
  • They could grind those railings on a lit light sabers... hackin' off the bad guys as they slide. Hell yeah, I just got goose bumps!
  • Oh... Wilhelm scream + all the hot tentacle clumsy jedi sex innuendos = not pleasant. Yikes.
  • In the Phantom Menace the brilliantly named Darth Maul appears on Tatooine to face Qui Gon Jinn. He is looking for a lightsabre battle. Jinn, realizing that they are are neither on a catwalk nor a bridge, hustles to get back onto the ship to avoid a conflict. Open well-lit areas with sure footing are no place to hold a fight.
  • Not all lightsaber's have a gravity switch, that is the specific decision of the Jedi who built it. Some Jedi have even built lightsaber's with an internal switch which they must turn on with the Force for added awesomeness.
  • Ah! Another SW geek. Welcome! Although I must dock you points for the spelling of sabre. ;)
  • Kill him, my evil padawan. He cut off your "r" - it is only natural that you desire revenge. I won't tell Yoda.