May 23, 2005

Sarcasm Detector: Some Monkeys may have an underdeveloped prefrontal lobe.

Researchers pinpoint brain's sarcasm sensor. Not safe for yo mama.

  • "it's not a speech impediment, it's an accent" --somoene from philadelphia "it's not sarcasm, it's a speech impedient" --kids in the hall in the case of some monkeys, i think it's just consistency of/and context love the article, though, and will probably use it liberally-- now if some google ape would point out memory problems and cross referencing in organic and digital brain function for me
  • interesting article ( I was going to say something sarcastic here, but figured most of you wouldn't get it... :-) the statement "People with prefrontal brain damage suffer from difficulties in understanding other people's mental states, and they lack empathy" sounds much like statements I've heard about autism lately (the lack of empathy part)... I worked at a psych hospital once and one of the long term residents was a gentleman who had undergone a prefrontal lobotomy...(didn't think they still did those, did ya?) I will concur that this created a very literal type of personality with absolutly no concern/interest in others and no sense of humor... Not a pleasant guy to be around....
  • absolutly = absolutely (but you already knew that..)
  • HuronBob, I have worked with a quite a few engineers who fit that personality (a very literal type of personality with absolutely no concern/interest in others and no sense of humor) to a t.
  • Engineers would be prime candidates for autism. Autistics tend to have a complete lack of empathy but have a tendency for systematizing things... engineering fits right in there!
  • but have you run into people who cannot for the life of them grasp a metaphor? "Wait, why are you talking about oranges?" The drawn out machinations to get someone to put themselves in a position to see something from a different perspective--
  • Careful with your damn generalisations there Bob.
  • /shakes fist
  • cyren...go organize something, you'll feel better.... perhaps clean up your bookmarks...
  • Hmm. which is funnier in this thread: To pretend to not get sarcasm? Or to be really sarcastic? Hmm...
  • Jesus Christ, why are all you guys picking on me! *goes with generating bafflement*
  • Stereotypes that Chy agrees with == good, fair, and always true Stereotypes that Chy disagrees with == bad, unfair, and untrue Gotcha. I'm starting to wonder about this - I was constantly sarcastic for a while, but do it less often now, and most often when I'm in a counteractive, regressive, vindictive mood. Err. I haven't sustained any head trauma that I'm aware of... though some might question that.
  • This is the type of post we've come to expect from you, Nick.
  • My first impulse is vaguely hostile, lazy sarcasm, which I usually refine to relatively unoffensive tee-hee sarcasm. I save the real "Die, motherfucker, die!" variety for when I think someone is being a gratuitously mean ass-faced woodpecker humper.
  • you sick fucks
  • It's been said that psychopaths lack empathy and have a tendency to think in concrete terms so I would imagine sarcasm would be lost on them too. I wonder if this study may shed some light on their condition. Perhaps damage to the prefrontal lobe could be the source of the problem. Anyway, interesting stuff, Nick.
  • Damage to the prefrontal lobe affects lots of things, like your impulse control, ability to make lists & prioritize & remember to do daily things like have breakfast. IANAD, but I did once write a brochure for an at-home care company specifically for people with prefrontal lobe damage. The home attendants would come over & make them breakfast & remind them to pay their bills & explain what they had to do that day - it struck me at the time how valuable a service like this would be to my musician friends, who all seem to struggle with similar coping issues.
  • This is not only the best post I have ever seen but the best thing of any kind I have ever seen. If you add up Christmas, your birthday, Jesus, and a unicorn, and then multiply them by infinity, it would still be nowhere near as good as this post.
  • " mean ass-faced woodpecker humper" That phrase alone made this discussion worth reading... I have a lot of woodpeckers by my house, I've NEVER even considered humping one....of course, I don't believe i have a "mean ass face"... Is there more information on this? I'm feeling that I may be missing something..
  • Thanks drjimmy11! I really respect your opinion!
  • Ted: That's right. That's - that's good. That's good. Unless, of course, somebody comes up with 6-Minute Abs. Then you're in trouble, huh? [Hitchhiker convulses] Hitchhiker: No! No, no, not 6! I said 7. Nobody's comin' up with 6. Who works out in 6 minutes? You won't even get your heart goin, not even a mouse on a wheel. Ted: That - good point.
  • This is the type of post we've come to expect from you, Nick. Priceless humor.
  • Good one, NickDanger, you're the funniest guy ever! If you take Steve Martin and cross-breed him with Chris Rock on a planet with an atmosphere composed of 78% Funny, the result would be you!
  • well, I'd rather have a prebottle in front of me than a prefrontal lobotomy, that's fer sure. When we met with a family counselor cuz we were having problems "communicating" with our 13-year-old child (13 year olds are an alien species, trust me), the counselor observed us for awhile and said--"you may want to eliminate sarcasm when you feel he hasn't met your goals for him..." "Eliminate sarcasm? What the fuck would we do then????" Ah, we all lived happily ever after. The counselor is now a babbling alcoholic.
  • When sarcasm is the topic, I always think of the B.C. comic strip and the character "Curly" who was always very sarcastic. If I remember correctly, B.C. introduces Peter to him and Peter says to Curly: "Say something sarcastic." Curly says: "Pleased to meet you."
  • MonkeyFilter: My first impulse is vaguely hostile, lazy sarcasm, which I usually refine to relatively unoffensive tee-hee sarcasm. MonkeyFilter: Perhaps damage to the prefrontal lobe could be the source of the problem. MonkeyFilter: If you add up Christmas, your birthday, Jesus, and a unicorn, and then multiply them by infinity, it would still be nowhere near as good as this post. MonkeyFilter: "mean ass-faced woodpecker humper" That phrase alone made this discussion worth reading... MonkeyFilter: Eliminate sarcasm? What the fuck would we do then???? yeah, like you apes will get any of these great taglines
  • Atrophy of the frontal lobes is a very common condition in alcoholics and drug addicts. I was severely beaten in a bar room, which resulted in minor bleeding in my brain. They did a couple cat scans monitoring my condition (to avoid the dreadful "Brain Salad Surgery). But anyhow,, I was talking to the nurse who told me I had limited "cortical atrophy", which of course scared the hell out of me. I changed my life style immediately, and reduced my alcohol and other certain substances to almost zero. But before laying all blame in my case to alcohol, I`ve been in several serious automobile accidents which have involved periods of time in comas and long term iv hospital meds. I just gave up more information about me than I wanted to.
  • Holy christ dude!
  • Well, drjimmy11, I have considered your remarks carefully, and I'm pleased to announce my immediate plans to indeed take Steve Martin and cross-breed him with Chris Rock on a planet with an atmosphere composed of 78% funny, for the purpose of creating another me for you to regale with glowing praise. The project is due to kick off shortly, so if anyone else should like to order their own personal Nickdanger to fawn over, please alert me immediately. I do regret that due to the extreme secrecy of the project, all orders must be sent in the following code: if you wish to order one Nickdanger clone, simply fuck drjimmy11's mother up the ass; if you wish to order two Nickdanger clones, please utilize a goat to fuck his mother up the ass. Please increase the quantity of goats for each additional NickyD clone. Whoa there, drjimmy11 ! Only 38 Nickdanger clones per customer! Why don't you give the old girl a rest and put the billies out to pasture? They've earned it!
  • But never fear,
  • NOTE: this post is sarcasm-free. Sorry. --"you may want to eliminate sarcasm when you feel he hasn't met your goals for him..." Aaaactually, some of my more ouchy childhood memories are my mom saying "Oh boo hoo, let's have a pity party, pooooor you" every time I cried. So they've got a point. ;) retank, that is incredibly scary. If you told teenagers that drinking might take away their ability to comprehend sarcasm, some might actually be convinced that it's a potentially bad thing. Wow.
  • Or they might think you were being sarcastic. Tread carefully, friend.
  • ...Whoa there, drjimmy11 ! Only 38 Nickdanger clones per customer! Why don't you give the old girl a rest and put the billies out to pasture? They've earned it! ding...ding...ding! Nickdanger gets the award.