May 20, 2005

Flying 'n' dying. Everything you could ever want to know about fatal air crashes. If you prefer a slightly less depressing emphasis, how about air crashes with one survivor? Or celebrity crashes? I'm feeling better already.
  • Oh, I lurrrve fatal air crashes.
  • ok, how wouldja be, right, you're joining the 'mile high club' with a hot selected-other in the tiny aircraft toilet cubicle, and then your plane crashes? That would probly be the best way to go out, evar.
  • Man, that's cold. I can make a joke about it, but I can't even read those coldly objective texts without having to stop cos of feeling...
  • If you are the motherfuckin' lone survivor of an air-crash, does that make you more sexy?
  • Plegmund... answer me, dammit. I must know the answers to my questions.
  • Sorry, I was doing some work for a moment. Won't happen again.
  • Well, if there is a lone survivor of an air-crash, I would think that immediately elevates that person to the status of sexiest person on the flight for non-necrophiliacs.
  • how about air crashes with one survivor? Or celebrity crashes? How about crashes in which there are lots of survivors, but the plane crashed way off course and they have no working radios and end up stranded on a susiciously beautiful tropical island, and after several months manage to look healthy and freshly scrubbed, despite a lack of a dependable food supply, not to mention fashionable clothing stores or cosmetics counters? 'Cause if anyone knows about a crash like that, I'm dying to find out how it turns out.
  • I'm really disturbed by the sole survivor page - the idea of a plane crash where over a hundred people die, for example, but you live? That''s just incredibly creepy and sad and weird. Pretty interesting site, thanks.
  • Disturbingly fascinating. In addition to the fatality stories there is much useful information here. Thanks, Plegmund!
  • That's a well organized site, thanks for the link. My standby (!) is a similar site with a contrasting title. I enjoy reading the forums as well. In particular I'll point you to Captain Al Haynes essay about United Flight 232.
  • Why is it the majority of the one-survivors are members of the crew? Belted in, Seat up and tray closed my ass... Stick me in the galley with the stewardesses