May 19, 2005

Painting Venice Using, uh... MS Paint Whoa. 500 hours. I still have to learn to sit still long enough to help my daughter draw a princess and this guy goes ahead and...sheesh.
  • the guy used photoshop for blur filter afterwards, so I got to ask why not just use photoshop from the get-go.
  • I mean, if the point is to avoid using bloated graphics proggies to do it, use simple mspaint, then go ahead and use the photoshop filter, it kind of seems counterintuitive to me. Anyway, it's impressive.
  • He should contact Microsoft. See if they'd be interested in using the piece as a "demonstration of what MS Paint is capable of."
  • Maybe he can do the Golden Gate Bridge next! (That is to say, cheese is cheese is cheese.)
  • It doesn't appear to me that the purpose was necessarily to avoid using bloated graphics programs, at least from what I read. It looked almost more like, well, he had paint, so why not use it? It certainly beats learning to use photoshop for no perceivable (by him) benefits. And it looks like it's his second item done that way. Someone appears to have a leeeetle too much time on his hands. And Smo, the last thing he did was "reconized" by Mircrosoft, so I suspect he'll be sending that along. Anyways, impressive from an amount-of-work standpoint, but I hope he tries to learn what the tools can do and take advantage of them.
  • 500 hours??? They have medication for things like that.
  • I like it.
  • I like it, but my first thought when reading about it was the same as Chyren. Learn a little bit about Photoshop and make that picture extraordinary, although I guess part of the bragging rights lies in the simplistic/limited aspect of MSpaint.
  • Hey, Seurat COULD have used sweeping brushstrokes and got done a lot faster too, you know. *dab*dab*dab*dab*dab*