May 19, 2005

Rock Scissors Paper
  • "But I’m more of a paper person – trying to cover all my bases at once, stretched a little think, not one to leave something uncovered or undone." He should've thinought that line out a little longer.
  • See also: the World Rock-Paper-Scissors Society.
  • When I was a boy, ye could play this game with youngsters from almost country, even if ye couldn't speak a common language -- whiled away a whole Atlantic passage playing this with kids from Greece, Poland, and Crete. The exception was kids from the US, where players inclined to introduce a fourth element "Dynamite!" (all five digits extended represetnting sticks of the stuff). Which ended the whole game abruptly. Dunno if this was a passing, post-war fad or not. Once dynamite is allowed, of course everyone calls it, a bit like nuclear weapons among nations.
  • As a kid in 80s Australia, we had an answer to that bees - the scissors beat dynamite, because they cut the wick off.
  • rock, paper, scissors
  • Lord!!! Zanshin scissors reminds me of HS wrestling in Alaska. A lot of girls went out for teams. I was in the 190lb class and never had the chance, but a kid on the team had to wrestle a girl in a tournament. He beat her on points in the final minutes and jumped up and down like the had just beaten the Iron Sheik (or Nikoli Volkov). Everyone then informed him that wrestling a girl is a no win situation.
  • grover96 speaks some truth: girls always win.
  • Huzzah!!!
  • Yes, scissors cuts the fuse, but dynamite destroys rock ... but what about paper - you kinda have to call that one a tie since otherwise the symetry is completely messed up rather than partially messed up.
  • Ok, I had to look up the word huzzah. According to Random House dictionary, huzzah goes back as far as 1573. "In English the form hurrah is literary and dignified; hooray is usual in popular acclamation." I may not be dignified, but how about "hooray" for me learning a new word?
  • You forgot pen missile! Nyerrrrrrm!
  • Roshambo. It's a religion, it's conflict resolution, it's a cult of personality, it's a way of life, it's rocks and paper and scissors grooving up their thing. The Roshambo Ten Comanments state: I am the Lord your rock. Thou shalt make no paper to cover me.
  • Of course, if only there were a way to play by email. Like this.
  • I want to play someone right now. I choose rock.
  • Scissors....gah. Foiled again!!!
  • Speaking of Alaska High School wrestling.