February 04, 2004

All your friends are doing it. Don't you want to be cool too? - I've created a MonkeyFilter group at orkut.com. Any monkey who wants an invitation to join orkut send me an email.

My email found here. I need to know what you want as your first and last name, because it follows you. You get to pick a user name, but in some places the first and last name you picked follows you.

  • I just tested this with a backup account. Turns out that you can specify your own correct first and last name at registration time, overriding whatever Kimberly set there in her initial invitation. So you're not doomed to be roughboy99 or pants_come_off (or whatever) thereon just because that's your monkeyname.
  • orkut?
  • Blame me for that misinformation. (Wendell's Fault. Makes San Andreas Fault look small) While wandering around the 'kut, feel free to stop by my place or Bullwinkle's Corner.
  • Maybe this will make Friendster less popularster.
  • kut is the dutch word for pussy. Did they do any research at Google?
  • Can anyone explain this whole "Orkut" thing in very simple English, using diagrams where necessary? I still don't get it. It kinda seems to me like "SimHavingFriends".
  • It's a great big bulletin board where your relative coolness is based on how many friends you have. On the plus side, you can create your own forums with your friends and schedule events and meet friends of friends to hang out with. Three to six months from now, the neurosis of community will set in and you'll go back to your blog or emailing or whatever. Until then, it may be fun to play around with.
  • >>your relative coolness is based on how many friends you have. EEEEEEEEK! it's seventh grade all over again!
  • I thought 7th grade was about how many enemies you had. Maybe that was just me :)~ Seriously though, this might be a fun place for the monkeys who can't do the whole irc thing to have some asynchronis chatting fun.
  • It's a toy, kind of like the Ig'Slut's dangling skeleton thingy, only playing with social relationships instead of vectors. Who do you know? Who do the people who you know know? A possible way to meet running partners? A way to fix up single friends? Who knows?
  • Now they just have to work the kinks out so it stops crashing all the time :)
  • Is this limited to non-fictional friends?
  • All Monkeys = friends. Just drop me a line. And a limmerick.* *limmeric optional
  • There's monkeyfilter IRC? Where?
  • There's info in the MoFi FAQ. There's a link on the front page. I would go find it for you and link to it, but I'm too lazy.
  • Oh ok. Here you go.
  • Thanks Kimberly, now I get to be a loser in multiple venues. Weeha!
  • I was getting set to start a MoFi group on Tribe.net (my fave of the "social networking" sites I've played around with), but if more people are down with this, I'll bite.
  • kut is the dutch word for pussy. Did they do any research at Google? orkut is the finnish for orgasm, supposedly, too.
  • ...not to mention the english word for a thing you do with knives. It was the founder guy's last name, wasn't it? Sheesh didn't his parents do any research? :)
  • Turkish is cool. This person sees Orkut as a factor in what she calls online monkey mind. Considering the increasing fragmentation of my decreasing attention span, I think she's identified a real threat. Here's a person venting about sexist objectification on Orkut.
  • I'm pretty interested in spending a bit of time in Turkey. Who's been there? (shameless derail)