February 04, 2004
Monkey sperm alert
Science has finally seen the light -- the fact that monkeys willl rule the world.
In a feat of scientific achievement, researchers from the universities of Pennsylvania and California have managed to produce monkey sperm in mice. Oooooh, monkeys the size of mice.... with four asses!
And then the mouse escapes and mates with another mouse. And then we have mutant mouskeys running around. And then anarchy! Sometimes science scares me.
jim_t, nice Southpark ref. If they ever get the go-ahead to start putting human sperm in mice just, y'know, because it would be cool, I am so out of here.
If they ever get the go-ahead to start putting human sperm in mice... ...it makes me worry about my past as a sperm donor... (Yep, it's ALL Wendell's Fault)
wendell, you're still and always faultless to me.
I'm waiting for the day I finally manage to crossbreed octopi and spiders. They both have 8 legs, they'll be easy to crossbreed. Then I can crossbreed sharks and cheetahs. Then I crossbreed the spoctopus and the chesark together to get the ultimate world conquering monster/perfect nanny the speetoark.
*snorfs frappucino*
I'm SO glad I'm not consuming anything right now. Pez, do you think it would make a good pet?
I'm waiting for the day I finally manage to crossbreed octopi and spiders. They both have 8 legs, they'll be easy to crossbreed. Then I can crossbreed sharks and cheetahs. But sharks have no legs, and cheetahs four - what makes you think crossbreeding them will be possible.
Mate, sharks are up for it.
I'm worried about some over-enthusiastic geneticist misunderstanding the term 'spider monkey'. 'Leaf monkey' I'm less concerned about; they'd probably move a lot slower.
crossbreed octopi and spiders I don't know if the legs would be strong enough, you may have to add wheels.