May 08, 2005

Gil & Moti are gay Israeli male artists --
"As schoolkids, we were taught to hate Arabs...we couldn't ignore it. We thought we must do something that will overwhelm the politics, so we decided to fall in love with an Arab." Their multimedia exhibition is in Brooklyn. Their website. Gimmick? Art? Peace initiative?
  • This will surely bring peace in our time.
  • *flashes peace sign at f8x* *forgets whether its palm outwards or inwards* *inadvertantly flashes derogatory sign instead* *puts hands down, pretends nothing happened* Why, yes, I am bored outta my skull! How did you guess?
  • As a schoolkid, I was taught to hate hot women with tremendous large breasts.
  • Sounds like a great way to get laid and call it art. Now, I'm gonna do a performance piece that entails me having sex with a bunch of hot rich women who give me their money and let me watch football on their big screen tv's all day long.
  • ""This isn't a seedy gay thing. It's about falling in love." hehehe
  • Three things I loathe; Acid reflux Cute performance art Sweaters with christmas trees on them Painful, and tacky. Now if a regular gay Israeli dude had married his Arab honey, shut up about it and just tried to live their lives, that would impress me. "Look at me!" isn't brave. Sometimes heroism to be ordinary in extraordinary circumstances.
  • *cancels Christmas sweater ordered for moneyjane*
  • well put, MJ. But what if the gay Israeli dudes formed a group with a gay Arab dude and covered NWA?
  • *sees Alnedra's hand signals, thinks she's directing traffic, and goes merrily on way*
  • BTW, if any hot rich women want to participate in my artwork, contact me via my email address in my profile. In the mean time, I will be watching football on my tv at home.
  • drjimmy11 Done! Order order order. Arab and Israeli dudes take the muthafuckin stand. Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothin but the truth so help your gay ass? Why don't you tell everybody what the fuck you gotta say? Fuck tha Sherut ha-Bitahon ha-Klali! Fuck tha Quwat al-Amn al-Watani!