May 08, 2005

Coolest Online Clock Ever
  • I have to concur. . .VERY cool! . ..and hereby bookmarked.
  • Why yes. Yes, it is. Reminds me of the old direct-read watches that use rotating dials instead of hands, precursors to digital watches. First one of those I've seen in software form.
  • I still like this old thing.
  • Indeed, Wolof, that just makes me feel behind the times. I can't write that fast! I made the mistake of FPPing this page to Mefi and despite the broken links there is some fun to be found there.
  • Incidentally, does anyone know of a binary clock Win app that sits on your taskbar where the system clock normally resides? I've never been able to track one down.
  • Both clocks are cool but Wolof's clock is hypnotic.
  • There's also the Human Clock. Be warned though, since the webserver could be either a Tandy or an Atari Some of the best use of old technology around..
  • does it know what time zone I'm in?
  • Magic?
  • Uh...mebbe it gets the time from your PC?
  • does it know what time zone I'm in? it's like a thermos.
  • I made this clock a while back. Shockwave, Mac & PC only.
  • I knew when I declared the Timeline "coolest ever" that someone would make me eat my words. The "Industorious" hand-numbered effect is amazing, mare's SLider Clock is a hoot, and why didn't I know about the Human Clock before? we ought to submit a few pictures to Human Clock in our Moneyfilter t-shirts
  • Well, the coolest online clock wouldn't get its time from my PC's clock. STOOPID, if you ask me. (I use this link to hand-set my windows' clocks, and

    rdate -s

    to set my unix's clocks.)
  • The domain makes this the coolest online clock ever.
  • Do not check this out.
  • Your Personal Day of Death is: Sunday, July 21, 2041. I was 73. Myocardial infarct, of course. It was the heat that got me. Fucking St. Louis summers.
  • And from the creaters of written time ClockBlock.
  • Also, spell check is a creation.
  • This guy also has a screen saver for windows using this and other clocks.
  • The "Dancing Girl Clock" was the greatest ever - (as seen throught J-walk blog) but alas it no clicky clicky anymore. Even Google-fu fails.
  • I like the death clock. I too lived to 73, passing away on Saturday, December 11, 2038 - the morning after the first big snowfall of the year. I was out shovelling the white stuff off the driveway (too cheap to pay some lid to do it) when the big one came.
  • (lid=kid)
  • *raises a nice warm glass of bacon grease to Rocket88*
  • doomsday clock: only 7 more minutes until... disaster sex!
  • That's the only kind, my friend.
  • *hands MCT the 'Best In Thread' banana*