May 08, 2005

Death ends feud of Kabul's last Jews
  • That's sad, and bitterly amusing. A previous article with more on the history of the feud and the history of Jews in Afghanistan mentions that the two have wives and children who left for Israel years ago.
  • Good God, just when I thought this weekend couldn't get more depressing...
  • Any two Jews leads to three opinions.
  • Now Simintov is alone in this two-storey complex of empty rooms. His carpet shop long gone, he lives in penury, asking visitors for whisky and phone cards. Down the hall, tattered religious texts are piled in a cupboard and thick dust coats the altar along with globs of excrement from birds which nest in the light fittings. "Simintov". Heh. That wily Tom Waits do get around; though I had no idea he was Jewish, nor shacked up in Kabul.
  • I couldn't let go of hatred at last it turned and ate me
  • You've got to admire that tenacity, that "hanging out to the bitter end". My paternal grandparents hate each other, and every single day of their lives, they get into a yelling match. I often speculate that they've lasted as long as they have, simply because they're trying to outlast one another.
  • There's still a few more there
  • This will never be over. We are destined to live this ad infinitum.
  • Yes, Oh Rubbery Tenticled One, My maternial gps were the same way. Fought like cats until one died, then the other was quick to follow. It's my theory that the daily squabbles kept the blood pumping. Or just a case of married can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. Jewish Hatfields and MaCoys, who woulda thunk it?
  • what a terribly sad story. there's a kind of love in that sort of hatred - you get the feeling that Simontov misses his enemy in some way...