May 05, 2005

Another (small) NYC Bombing Yesterday someone planted two "grenades" outside the British Consulate in NYC. The UN stepped upped it's security, and with people already abuzz about the lack of security, will New York, or America as a whole, come closer to becoming a military state?
  • Sorry: it was this morning, not yesterday.
  • Heh, my office is nextdoor to that building. Was fun this morning when I got off the subway to find all the exits conveniently closed off by police. Found a round-about way to the street level, only to find all the streets closed off! Took some maneuvering to finally get to work... Still quite the parade of various enforcement agents out there (can see from my window). The building my office is in has all of their strict security measures in place as well as a result. Apparently they've detained a UN employee who was found loitering around the area shortly after the explosion. [strange considering the "blast" occurred around 3:30 a.m. EST] Surely we'll have über security around here for days to come. If I had my MoFi t-shirt on me today, I'd jump around in front of all the cameras providing live feeds!
  • Can't you run home & get it, sugar? That would be teh awesome!
  • *sssh! Don't tempt me any more!* I was half-tempted, yes indeed. But stuck at work for the remainder of the day. Not to worry, I have larger plans in store my MoFi t-shirt debut...
  • Funny, I had lunch at the fancy hot dog place sort of over there, half expecting there to be some visible presence, but there wasn't. A block or so away, but still. I think as far as the whole 'military state' thing goes we aren't going to get a more visible presence until there are more events or 'credible' threats (see: the ongoing CitiCorp building fiasco). But that isn't to say that the country and city aren't in a really horrible place, civil liberties and military occupation wise. They are. It's just too expensive and troubling, and ultimately fruitless, to have armed guards everywhere. (hey sugarmilktea, we're work neighbors. 53rd & fifth here...)
  • Cool, 50th and 3rd Ave here dirtdirt
  • I expect to see two people prancing around behind the reporters holding "MoFi" signs when I watch the news tonight. If it happens, I'll mail you my firstborn child. Or chocolate, I dunno.
  • Hehe... Having a 10 month-old, I'll opt for the chocolate! *busy making MoFi sign*
  • Dammit, now I have to watch the evening news! ;o)
  • Er, make those "Monkeyfilter" signs - don't want people confusing us with them
  • Look for the guy in a rainbow colored afro wig with "MONKEYFILTER IS TEH RULXOR!" painted on their chest in green tempera paint. That'll be me.
  • I'm on the west side near Penn Station, and I didn't notice any heavier police presence. In fact, no one at my work even mentioned the incident today (although we did spend some more time griping about the potential West Side stadium, and the scrapping of the Freedom Tower plans). New Yorkers are becoming an even more jaded bunch. On the plus side, I did see Alton Brown while on my lunch break.
  • I bet Alton Brown would dip Monkeybashi's firstborn in chocolate before mailing.
  • Right in my neck of the woods too! (49th & 3rd.) What are the odds of 3 monkeys working within 5 blocks of each other? It was definitely weird coming out of the subway and seeing all the news trucks and hearing the helicopters overhead. Not really scary or disturbing, just kind of like "oh well, guess something interesting happened over here this morning. Now how am I supposed to get to the bagel store?"
  • jaypro22: Right in my neck of the woods too! (49th & 3rd.) What are the odds of 3 monkeys working within 5 blocks of each other?
    Welcome to New York City. Heh.
  • My spousal monkey works in Jersey City, but he regularly goes to the midtown Manhattan office over by Times Square. He worked from home yesterday and I saw the list of upgraded security precautions. While I understand the necessity, I really don't like the idea that my husband's office needs bomb-sniffing dogs. Also, clearly it is time for an NYC MoFi meetup.
  • We should definitely have an NYC monkeymeet, and from my perspective we should have it soon. I'm moving to Austin in a month.
  • Wow, and this whole time I didn't think there were many monkeys in NYC (must be a busy quiet bunch?). 3 confirmed working within walking distance of eachother, seems like definite grounds for a meetup!
  • tracicle, I had my MoFi sign ready for the cameras on my way home last night. Went looking for large media giants, but found mostly local carriers. Bad timing perhaps, nobody was on-air except for Telemundo - heh! Gave a quick flash of my hastily-made sign and went off to give FOXNews a try... no such luck! Oh, where's CNN when you need them!?
  • dirtdirt--maybe your arrival in Austin will herald the first Austin Monkey Meetup?? Seems like margaritas and quesdaillas would be a requirement.
  • There have been a couple of NYC meetups - I went to the first. The museum was a really good choice - that let some people come who had to be home early, and some others went for very tasty Chinese food. I would be into a NYC meetup (I'm up the train line in CT), but I am leaving in late June for a month.