May 01, 2005

What the hell is Mark Trail doing? I love to hate the local papers comics. When I found Josh I knew I wasn't alone. He told me about Francesco Marciuliano who also does some jabs at the dailies. Can you believe Francesco also does Sally Forth?
  • Awesome links. I'm adding Josh Reads and Medium Large to my favorite links. :)
  • Hmm - I wonder how Francesco feels about this? Although really, it's no different than this.
  • No worse than he does himself. See third strip down.
  • This is a fun site.
  • Hee! Cool post )))
  • Excellent! Cool to see that the Sally Forth guy has a sense of humor.
  • Today's Brenda Starr has a reference to BLOGGERS in it. (A comic about a newspaper reporter? It was inevitable...) Let's see how the comics watchers react to THAT.
  • With all the webcomics available via RSS feeds, I'm surprised anyone bothers w/ print newspapers' comics sections anymore... When someone else reading your work is more entertaining than the work itself, it's time to call it a day...
  • Oh I love joshreads - I just wish he'd update more often! I read the comics every day; it's pathetic, it's why I keep a newspaper subscription. I have been reading the inexplicable Mary Worth daily for something like a million years now. Or maybe it just feels like that. But I have to get my fix - and no, an RSS feed is just not the same as a newspaper.