May 01, 2005
What the hell is Mark Trail doing?
I love to hate the local papers comics. When I found Josh I knew I wasn't alone. He told me about Francesco Marciuliano who also does some jabs at the dailies. Can you believe Francesco also does Sally Forth?
Awesome links. I'm adding Josh Reads and Medium Large to my favorite links. :)
Hmm - I wonder how Francesco feels about this? Although really, it's no different than this.
No worse than he does himself. See third strip down.
This is a fun site.
Hee! Cool post )))
Excellent! Cool to see that the Sally Forth guy has a sense of humor.
Today's Brenda Starr has a reference to BLOGGERS in it. (A comic about a newspaper reporter? It was inevitable...) Let's see how the comics watchers react to THAT.
With all the webcomics available via RSS feeds, I'm surprised anyone bothers w/ print newspapers' comics sections anymore... When someone else reading your work is more entertaining than the work itself, it's time to call it a day...
Oh I love joshreads - I just wish he'd update more often! I read the comics every day; it's pathetic, it's why I keep a newspaper subscription. I have been reading the inexplicable Mary Worth daily for something like a million years now. Or maybe it just feels like that. But I have to get my fix - and no, an RSS feed is just not the same as a newspaper.