May 01, 2005

Name's Bob, but my friends call me Shishka. I thought I'd bring all your attention to the EdgeCurve Caption Game, oh, just because... drops pants, does happy dance

Previous Honorable Mentions: "Note to self: Next party, strip poker AFTER dinner..." "...and it's made of the highest quality wood from the rain fore... uh... recycled from old acoustic guitars. (Whew.)" AND "You like it? It's the official World Economic Forum iPod, preloaded with over 800 hours of boring speeches..." "'Extreme Makeover'? I thought this was 'CSI'..." AND "I told you we should have taken him out five minutes earlier..." "Forget red states/blue states, etc. This election's gonna come down to the grey caps versus the brown caps!" So, what should I do with my $10 Amazon gift certificate?

  • And I have first dibs on an "Eclipse Mints" joke for the new one...
  • good one with the Shiska. It deserved the win!
  • It's funny because the Saudis have different customs than Americans do.
  • Excellent work on the caption, wendell!
  • How many times did I read that as shiksa? Way too many.
  • *visualises shiksa-bobs* *faints*