April 28, 2005

Bush on a coin!!?? I wouldn't normally just post a news story, but this is scary. I hate dollar coins. They don't go in a wallet. When I end up with one, I just want to get rid of it. Now the guv'mint is probably going to come out with a new dollar coin inspired by the best-selling "quarters with a state on them" thing. But this time, its "dollar coins with a president on them". And you know the GOP will only agree to this because they've had ants in their pants for years to get Reagan on a coin. Sigh...
  • How did that extra "Dollar" get at the front of my post title?!
  • Because you dissed Rethugnikkkans and their evil voodoo twizzled your bit shifter.
  • just put jesus on the damn money so we can stop the pussyfooting around. maybe have the front a picture of jesus on a cross and the back have him beating two fags with a hardcover bible.
  • lol
  • That must be it. I've been trying to return this twizzled bit shifter for a new fresh one. But the return policy isn't so generous. (Wait, doesn't Reagan = Jesus?)
  • They would`nt dare but Bush on a dollar bill, some of us like to write little messages on paper money.
  • ouch
  • Bush on a dollar? Sure. How many gallons of gas does a "bush" buy? Went bankrupt. Had to pay this many "bushes" to get a hearing. Dude! Weed is expensive. I just paid X "bushes" for this bag. Brang it own!
  • None of my dress pants have usuable pockets since the Loonie was introduced into Canada. Then, I had to get a change-purse after they introduced the Twoonie. I just hope I don't go off of any bridges; because with all those frikken coins in there, I'm headed straight for the bottom.
  • This whole "America didn't embrace" the previous dollar coins is so ridiculous. People are opposed to dollar coins? Who the fuck cares? Just print them and stop printing the paper ones. The end. How difficult is that? It's not like people will stop spending money because they would prefer it to be paper.
  • You know what? I would get a whole bunch of these Dubya Dollars and start throwin' em at the fucker. Maybe I can get one to zing off that stupid pointy head of his.
  • The only thing they really need to do to get Americans to like dollar coins is to make all the goddamn vending machines accept them. The only place I know you can stick a dollar coin is the stamp machine at the post office (also gives out $1 coins as change). Think about it: Coins don't wrinkle and aren't rejected for folded corners. Give us a place to use them and we'll all be happy. (Except strippers of course. I dare you to try tucking a Susie B. coin into a g-string...) Personally, I love my dollar coin. I've had it in my pocket since I got it in 2000. (Yes, I've carried the same coin around everywhere I go for the last 5 years. The website said it would resist tarnishing under normal pocket conditions for 30 years. I aim to test this statement. It took about a week for the shine to rub off, and it actually has changed very little since then.)
  • yeah u.s. dollar coins are weird. i mean, the euro is a coin (the 2 euro is especially handsome!) and no one has any problem handling that. but these dollar coins BAFFLE most cashiers i've handed them to. they stop, look at it, turn it over, look again, i assure them, "it's a dollar coin." they still look puzzled. the people standing behind me in line sigh and grumble. christ.
  • (Except strippers of course. I dare you to try tucking a Susie B. coin into a g-string...) /resists temptation to make a joke about a slot.
  • SideDish: [...] these dollar coins BAFFLE most cashiers i've handed them to. they stop, look at it, turn it over, look again, i assure them, "it's a dollar coin." they still look puzzled. the people standing behind me in line sigh and grumble.
    That would be the standard American response to anything out of the ordinary.
  • "And you know the GOP will only agree to this because they've had ants in their pants for years to get Reagan on a coin. Sigh..." Gimme a break... It's not like they're starting with their favorite republicans and working their way back. I know actually READING the article is a bit much to ask but: "The subjects depicted on the dollar coins would be the U.S. presidents. The plan is to introduce four new ones a year beginning in 2007, honoring each of the nation's chief executives in the order of their service." So, by my math, you're not going to have to see bush on a coin UNTIL 2018. Sheesh.
  • And his name, people? Buck. Perfick.
  • What bernockle said. The only reason previous coins weren't accepted by Americans is because dollar bills were still printed. Take the bills out of circulation and the coins will be used. The stripper issue is a big one. Since Canada adopted coins for $1 and $2, strippers only take $5 or more as tips.
  • that colonial mint link is a joke, right? right?
  • What buck07 said. Quit hatin' just because you've got a stick up your rear about "scary el Presidente Bush". Yes, there is pretty much unanimous bilateral support for this idea. No, this isn't a GOP plot so they can finally get Reagon onto a coin. Eeesh.
  • yeah, but its much more fun getting all schizoid. I just like fat coins in my pocket. It makes me feel flush and I couldn't care less whose face graces them. Its the heft!
  • since the new coin's face is going to be a series, the following may be a moot point, but the person on a new coin should be someone dead for longer than reagan. more historical figures are appropriate because they don't carry the controversy among modern day people. grant and jackson were hell of alot worse presidents than bush is, but not a whole lot of people are in an uproar over the $20 bill. mlk jr would be a good choice to put on currency, and i'm a fan of teddy roosevelt, myself, since i enjoy national parks and large navies.
  • (Except strippers of course. I dare you to try tucking a Susie B. coin into a g-string...) Not that I'd know, but in NZ you spend your dollar coins and buy fake paper dollars to stuff g-strings. Actually, I don't know how I know that. Best not to think about it.
  • That's Kiwis for you.
  • When dollars are worth less than 50 Eurocents the Americans have to adopt coins...
  • Quit hatin' just because you've got a stick up your rear about "scary el Presidente Bush". No. *makes linke between Bush dollar and strippers*
  • just what we need: more slaveowners on teh cash. neat-o. anyway, havent we rendered enough $$$ unto caesar bush?
  • That's what I'm saying. Throw the motherfuckin things at his pointy pate. Render unto caesar. Bonk.
  • I had no idea. thanks SMT!
  • I like it how proponents of this look to Canadians' acceptance of the Loonie -- which has nothing to do at all with the fact that dollar bills were taken out of circulation...