April 27, 2005
Watching TV Makes You Smarter.
(From the Sunday New York Times Magazine.) Adapted from Steven Johnson's soon-to-be-published book ''Everything Bad Is Good for You: How Today's Popular Culture Is Actually Making Us Smarter.''
Dang it, I Just saw that petebest posted this link in this thread. Sorry. But maybe enough of you folks didn't see it there and will think it's of interest....
If not for loads of TV watching I would know nothing about low, low, 2.9% percent APR financing. anybody know what that is?
I would like TV more if it weren't for the ridiculous amount of advertising. It seems to get worse every day. I gave up my cable connection over a year ago, and haven't missed it one bit. (I doubt I'll miss it even if the last remaining torrent aggregating sites were to shut down.) My TV is now a purely videogaming device.
APR means "Annual Percentage Rate," or the amount of interest you will pay on your auto loan through the dealer.
The article, minus the need for registration.
Gracias, mexican.
How am I supposed to get my TV quota in while everyone keeps on sending me email?
Dual screens, Skrik. Train your left eye to read emails from your computer monitor and your right eye to watch TV. Problem solved.
Or get one of those WebTV thingies. Now we can read our email and watch TV without suffering the tyranny of movement ever again!
I think it's a load of crap-ola. Unless the author is using "smarter" in the sense of "not smarter". Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some elitin' I need to do. You probably wouldn't understand . . .
Up your butt with a cocoanut, elito-frito!
Fes can't even spell choachoanutt. What a moran.