April 26, 2005

Toby's Nose FiltersĀ® Motto: "If your nose could speak, it'd be telling you CLICK THE BUY BUTTON." Added bonus: Lucious graphic! Heh.
  • 300! Woohoo! Sidedish is a tricenti...thinginarian!
  • But nothing beats that black snot you get from riding the underground. It's good to make your nose earn its keep now and again.
  • pleg, i THOUGHT something tickled when i posted this. hee hee. wheeeeeee!
  • The taxpayers of Florida, Texas, New Mexico and New York must be proud that through the Space Alliance Technology Outreach Program, they paid NASA engineers to help this man design his nose filters.
  • What about nose goblins?
  • Kitfisto: (a) Ewww! (b) You mean the London Underground? You were here without telling us???
  • He a Pom. He always there.
  • I am a pom. But I live in Liverpool. I have, however, in my action-packed life, travelled to that there London. I even managed to swap the family cow for some magaic beans.
  • you mean a pom like this?
  • except cuter (and yet meaner at the same time).
  • He a Pom. Him live Oop Narth.
  • I thought you meant this kind of Pom.
  • Or this.
  • I wonder what happens if you sneeze. Do the filters become deadly projectiles or will your head explode?
  • they have little fans inside them so when you sneeze it makes that "Whzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeeee" sound
  • petebest, if that were true I'd have to order a set.
  • Is it just me, or do these things kinda remind you of the device Steve Martin's character invented in "The Jerk"? I second petebest's request, though. Think of the possibilities at concerts, parades, etc... handsfree music and clean air too!
  • Uhu oh. Good thing Toby's patented them.
  • nostril filter ?
  • Petebest, you make me laugh.
  • They look like bras. Can bras whirr?
  • Only Nazi Stuka Bras. Puts the fear onto ground troops, I can tell ya.
  • Wonder if one would need to remove them to snort cocaine or if leaving them in intensifies the experience? I'll have to order a pair and time-travel back to the 80's. Excuse me...