April 22, 2005

And the prize for lamest celebrity gallery ever goes to...
  • The Greatest, Joe Campbell, Liberace and Lorne Greene?? Dishy, I respectfully must disagree. This RuLX0orz!
  • I don't think it's so much lame as sad. Poor guy desperately wants to be back in the 70's.
  • There are some kick ass photos and people on there. Muhammad Ali? Pierre Trudeau? A completely pimped-out Alex Trebek? I have to go with petey, this is wicked cool.
  • Good to see Joseph Campbell and Eli Wallach.
  • i love the one of his DAUGHTER with trebek. heh.
  • If I were to ever touch Lorne Greene I would never again wash whichever part of my body touched him. Not so much for Alex Trebek....
  • while you're there be sure to click on "Check out who is wearing Rafael's pieces" for more fun
  • With Governor of Aruba hee heeeeeeeeee
  • I was waiting for disco lights and Bee Gees to start thwumpin' away.
  • "If I were to ever touch Lorne Greene I would never again wash whichever part of my body touched him."... hmmmm.. you might want to reconsider that... poor Lorne passed away in 1987... You really don't have any business at all touching him, and you will probably want to wash up afterwards.. And, given all this, do NOT give us any details about the "part" of your body.....
  • New desktop photo! yeah!
  • Your lame is my cool. And I'm pleased to see that Miss Canada 1973 is a genuine hottie, seeing as how she represents my birth year and place. I find great solace in that.
  • Oh my. My mother has the hots for this guy's jewellery. The difference between her and these celebrities is that she actually does wear it, even when she's not in a photo op.
  • if by lamest you actually meant sweetest then yeah.
  • Dinah Christie! I haven't seen her since that old charade show "Party Game". This is WAY too cool!
  • Reading the comments at first, I thought this must have been that bit-part actor dad who takes photos of his toddler son with every available celebrity. I think I recognised maybe two of the celebrities in this one, but admittedly they're predominantly from before/around when I was born.
  • I met this guy when he was living in Austin. He was either buying or selling silver jewelry when the Hunts had cornered the market and prices were high. Small world and I'm showing my age!
  • OK I give up. who the hell is this guy? I never heard of him....
  • Gotta say, I'm pretty impressed with the Campbell, Ali, and Trudeau pictures. Don't see the lameness in those..... Although, Liberace is exceptionally lame. But that pimped out Trebeck is kinda hot.......
  • [this is good]
  • Oh, this is the one I was thinking of, in case there's anyone who hasn't seen it.
  • tracicle, I hate to admit that I have had the "Jeremy" site in my favorites for a couple of years, now. I think it's kind of a neat collection of pictures to have. It would be ridiculously cheesy and seriously obnoxious were it not for his father already being "in the business" enough to really have reasonable access to many of these people. It may get cheesy down the road, depending how long he keeps it up and depending on what direction this goes. Cute kid, though.
  • his daughter is teh hawt