April 22, 2005

Nooooo!! It had to happen. One of Ontario's oldest microbreweries, Creemore Springs, has been bought by one of the monsters. While there are still many good independent microbreweries, as well as others that are still works in progress, it can't be seen as a good thing, either in Ontario, or whereever the tentacles of any of the big guys can reach.

On the bright side, maybe Molson's will stop producing its own "microbrews". I admit it. I don't know what makes a good wine, but I like my quality beer. Also looking forward to my first deleted FPP.

  • That's a shame. I hope nothing like that ever happens to my favorite microbrew, the Victory Brewing Company, where no finer beer on Earth is made.
  • Bad news. Bad, bad news. I wasn't so disturbed by Sleeman's pickup of Unibroue, but that was simply because it would (in theory) make it easier for me to get my fix, rather than have to do those beer runs to Montreal. But this, this is terrible. No good can come of it. However -- there is a cause for hope for local microbrews -- there's activity in the old Taylor & Bate brewery in St. Catharines, which went belly-up a few years back. (I leave town for a couple of months, and my brewery goes bankrupt -- didn't know I had that much of an impact...) I walked by it the other day, and the tanks were all going. Someone else said that a couple of women were testing out paint chips on the front windows. The old sign is down, and looks to be replaced. So maybe my Taylor & Bate will have a third incarnation. Let's hope. I miss my Niagara Spray and Henley Sparkling Ale terribly...
  • What makes this even worse news is that I've been more or less boycotting Molson products since the amalgamation with those Coors.
  • sfred, I read your comment and did a search, and have found that in July of 2004 Molson & Coors merged!! EWWWWWW! My hubby's got a thing for Canadian beer, Molson in particular. I guess he'll be switching to Labatt Blue now. Me, I prefer a Hemp Beer from a local brewery or a good Fullers or St. Peters cream or oatmeal stout.
  • I'll take Molson over Sleeman's. They're a lot skankier.
  • That's a pity. Canuck beer is decent, not like the piss they serve in the Y00-ESS. Keep the faith, my beer-loving brethren, keep the faith. Where there is desire, there is thirst-quenching amber nectar.
  • Never liked Creemore that much anyway, but it's sad to see a micro get bought by Adolph Molsons. One more excellent Ontario micro is Kawartha Lakes Brewing - making the Raspberry Wheat which is perhaps the best Ontario beer I've had - who don't have a website but info is found here. (Lots of other Ontario beer info there too......)
  • Damnit, this blows... I guess I am going to have to fastrack the homebrewing setup. I hope that McAuslan/St.Ambroise isn't bought out anytime soon, their oatmeal stout is nothing short of stout perfection. Don't forget about Wellington and their good beers, especially the cask ale. We're not that bad off in Ontario, but getting ahold of some of the good brews can be a pain sometimes. K-W needs a better brewery than the Brick, how many "premium lagers" can one company produce? I'm actually surprised there isn't a German style brewery here, given all the people of German descent. A good, dry English style cider would be nice to have as well, given apples grow well in Ontario.
  • Creemore was never my favourite, but I still hope the trend stops here. I like my Ontario microbrews. Burning Rome: Raspberry Wheat? I wouldn't even call it beer. glip: Try nearby Guelph's Wellington County Brewery, particularly their Special Pale Ale. Also if you're in the K-W area, head up to the Heuther Hotel in Waterloo - they brew their own.
  • Chyren, Budweiser is served all over the world, not just in the USA, and while it's the most popular, it's certainly not the best. If you can swing it, try Victory's Hop Devil (which was the Champion American Beer at the 2002 Great British Beer Festival), or Storm King Stout if you're more into stouts. Storm King is as close to heaven as you can get in a dark beer. Also, if you really, really love hoppy beer (and I do), the seasonal Hop Wallop is unbelievably good. They have a few premium beers as well, but those are my favorites from their regular line-up.
  • rocket88 thanks for reminding me of the Heuther, I haven't been there in ages.
  • I went to Canada. Had a nice Beer there. Fin Du Monde (End of the World) it was called I believe. Bloody lovely. Never seen it anywhere else, so I assume its native Canuckian. Damn strong too as I recall. Ahhh. Beeer. Its Friday. Its 4:12PM. I need a beeeeeer. Mmmmmmmm, Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer.
  • Klepton, Fin du Monde is from Quebec somewhere -- Unibroue, who also make Maudite, a strong beer reminiscent of Chimay, and just as good. My favourite Canadian micro-brew to date is Mill Street tankhouse, a nice bitter ale. Neustadt and St Ambroise Pale Ale are also fantastic.
  • glip: McAuslan already belongs to Moosehead. Which isn't all that bad. Now excuse me, I'm off to La brasserie du lièvre (a geocities page -- how indie is that?)
  • It was funny when Unibroue's strong beers came on the scene.. Girl: "how come I'm so drunk, I've only had three beers!" You: "Well, y'see, at 9% alcohol it's closer to 6 regular beers."
  • Burning Rome: Raspberry Wheat? I wouldn't even call it beer. KLB's brew is excellent. And don't even get me started on grapefruit Grolsch. Only available in Amsterdam, you say? Pity.
  • Sandspider: I am nearly within walking distance of the Victory Brewery, when I'm back home at least. I agree, great beer, although I think I prefer Troegs a little better at the moment.
  • Fin du Monde is great - I've also always had a soft spot for Rickard's Red, which is more every day than Fin. Who makes Rickards? That said, when referring to the American beer, everyone should call it Bud. For a minute I thought you were all talking about the rather nice Czech beer.