April 22, 2005

Railway Photographs American, Australian, British, Canadian & New Zealand Railway photographs. The first site was a haphazardly lucky find and then I looked further and there are gazillions of photographs of trains online. These are just a small sample.
  • Ah, now we're talking. Good shit.
  • d'oh! I thought 'title' only came up in browser title bar and RSS feeds. *sigh* Oh well....it otherwise signifies it's doubly good. *cough, cough*
  • Why are trains so cool? This is my question for you. I don't know why, but they are.
  • btw: the American site: best to find galleries from centre of page searching, rather than sidebar (can't remember why). And with Canada: click on 'gallery'(although there's a bunch of stuff on that first page anyway). There are a TRUCKLOAD of pix among all those linkies. on preview...I guess it's that traditional romanticism about travel and 'modern' transport (as it was) and about mysterious new places to visit and mysterious new people arriving. Well, that and thumping great machinery and engineering feats to build the lines. (This FPP could have been a page long with links from each letter)
  • Thumping great machinery & engineering & power, get my vote old chap. pumping thrusting iron phallus of human elemental transcendance!!!! /dribble /futurist
  • What a lucious find, great post! My childhood has some bizarre emotional link to the rail roads. I spent hours alongside the tracks, underneath the rail bridges, and inside "parked" cars. Hell, I grew up in the Hub City which was founded in 1881 when the first Milwaukee Railroad train arrived. I would watch the countless Burlington Northern trains go by, jotting down locomotive numbers, waving to the conductors, and placing the obligatory penny on the tracks. More exciting was when the orange Milwaukee Road trains came through... they were harder to spot. Most rare were the yellow Union Pacific trains which arrived on this rarely-used rail just behind my home. Would always be on the look out for the occasional hobo as well. Saw one massive derailment - that was quite the excitment for a young kid!
  • It's entirely possible that my grandfather is the driver in some of those NZ photos, especially around Dunedin and Invercargill. Plus my dad is a train nut, so I'll have to pass this on. Nice post!
  • Oh, I love trains. Especially the European trains with compartments. USian trains are about to be kicked to the curb. I took one from San Francisco to Manhattan in 2003, and a more comfortable, gracious trip can't be imagined.