April 22, 2005

Amazon directory of free MP3 Downloads "Amazon has put together a single page listing all the free, no-DRM MP3s you can download from their site, as promos for CDs." And it updates every six hours. (Via Boing Boing.)
  • Love it, love it, thanks! That page is "top downloads", btw, but there's also lists like "top indie downloads" and it might have other songs. Worth poking around.
  • Epitonic is good -- real good.
  • Jeeze, that's so awesome. Thanks so much. mmmm.
  • thanks. this is fantastic.
  • Right on, right on
  • Fab - got some Bulgarian folk, Egyptian trip-hop, track by Boys of the Lough and some Mandingo Griot. Thanks!
  • There was an update. Here is everything else.
  • Oh My God. Just... yeah. I hope this stays; I can't do it at the moment, but... wow. Wow.
  • I second Epitonic. Better Propaganda also rocks as a source of free legal mp3s
  • wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  • I'm not impressed. *lying my ass off*
  • Alison Krauss appears to be more popular than I would have thought. Good for her.
  • I hope this stays I wouldn't worry. Amazon has offered these downloads for a couple of years. It seems like somebody submitted the link to Boing Boing which is giving it a higher profile than I guess it had.
  • Greasemonkey script to bypass the extra clicking and get direct mp3 links from the mainpage (via Waxy)
  • The great thing about these scrumptious mp3's (munch, munch) is you can't just download one of them (chew, munch). You gotta download bunches. This is the best (chew) free (munch, music crumbly bits falls out of open mouth) music i've ever seen. Thanks sandspider. (burp).
  • after installing the greasemonkey script you can down them all with a single click. you wouldn't want to strain your clicking finger.
  • crapcake, thanks for the tip.
  • Is anyone else getting "We're sorry. The track you requested isn't available." on about 95% of the songs listed?
  • Yeah, i'm getting the same message. But I'm in Canada. Maybe it's payback for our 'free' healthcare?????? (or more seriously, maybe copyright differences- took itunes a few years to get here because of something like that....)