April 22, 2005

Stoned Monkeys go ape on villagers - and I mean really stoned monkeys. In other primate periodicals, Jewish gorillas stay kosher at Passover.

This pana drink sounds like good shit. Where can I get some? India, I suppose.

  • Accustomed to eating a slice of bread with cream cheese every morning... Their non-Passover breakfast sounds yummy. I wonder if the bread is a bagel.
  • I'm wondering if it's even healthy for a great ape to eat bread.
  • Judging how they reacted to marijuana juice I'd think twice before taking their bread away.
  • I once got stoned and ate ten pieces of bread, though I only vaugely resemble a monkey.
  • How did you feel?
  • Too stoned to spell "vaguely," I guess....
  • Bread is such a good munchie food after a night of marijuana juice and apeshitting.
  • I forsee an uproarious animal rights case where activists argue that if the gorillas are going to have to abide by religious restrictions they must be accorded human rights. How long until affirmative action for gorillas? How long uncaring world?!
  • I feel that I must object to this Front Page Post in no uncertain terms! What is this?! A news story about drunken, stoned monkeys?!!! Read the logo, ya moran - this is Monkey FILTER. Get it? We filter out monkeys! We don't want to hear about them, the dirty, smelly little beasts. Best of the web? I think not. Bloody n00bies! ;)
  • I think retank linked this a couple days ago although is was made in comments
  • At least the pimates are staying off the email, if you know what I'm saying...
  • Won't someone please think of the Chyren??
  • Nice profile. That looks like a Fender jumbo acoustic in back there. Can't see the headstock.
  • Thanks. Beats me, I'm just a bong.
  • Now, now. False humility is the worst form of conceit. You are far more than a bong, and you know it.
  • *snif* So kind of you to say so, sir. Please, take a nice, long toke.
  • From a cock shaped bong? what do you think I am, Leonardo Da Vinci?
  • >blackout<
  • A group of monkeys descended on an Orissa village, quaffed down pots of an intoxicating brew lying in the open and then set upon the villagers, injuring three of them. That sounds like a plot for the greatest kung fu movie ever. At least, that's how I picture it in my head.
  • Mad Monkey Kung Fu - 1979
  • In the worlds before monkey, heaven sought order...
  • MonkeyFilter: We don't want to hear about them, the dirty, smelly little beasts.