April 20, 2005

The National Christian Art Competition is designed to promote and encourage Christian artists around the globe by creating a venue of high level interactive exposure through the world renowned site, www.ART4GOD.com. "We do not tell artists what to create; we just say 'CREATE!' This year we gave out $3,000 in Cash Awards and over $3,000 in gifts to the winners," founder Stephen Sawyer shared enthusiastically.
  • I feel like registering "god-hates-kitsch.com" just to satirise that crap.
  • Holy crap.
  • After wandering that site a bit, I couldn't determine if I should be a little frightened by that as a representation of where our country is heading, or if I should have a whole lot of respect for this guy and his ability to capitalize on the xtian craze we're experiencing... There is a whole lot of marketing going on there.... As for the art...throwing the kittens in the oven don't make 'em muffins and putting this stuff on an "art" web site doesn't make it art!
  • I'm tempted to paint a painting for them and see what happens. Of course, I always get grand ideas of making horrible art and selling it for inflated prices to interested masses. But I know the damage to my soul and my own work would be counterproductive, and I always think of a little mantra I've developed, "Trying to make money by making art is stupid, making money selling art is not."
  • monkeyfilter: throwing the kittens in the oven don't make 'em muffins
  • ... but they both taste good with a bit of butter.
  • mmm...buttery kittens...*drool* But wow, Christianity is so in right now. We should all put our money in torture devices right away!
  • I'm tired of hearing about super-enthusiastic really loud Christians. Why can't they worship Jesus in a quiet, non-pedantic sort of way? Loud hyper fundies are the sports-car drivers of the spiritual world; desperately trying to overcompensate for something.
  • i am sooo doing this if possible in the grand tradition of commission jesus wants to show me the money
  • I'm tired of hearing about super-enthusiastic really loud Christians. Why can't they worship Jesus in a quiet, non-pedantic sort of way? Loud hyper fundies are the sports-car drivers of the spiritual world; desperately trying to overcompensate for something. Luke 18:9-14
  • God forbid art have any sort of religious tones... Am I missing something or are some of you really bashing this just because you don't agree with it. The majority of art on that site is fairly well executed, and IMO deserves at least some respect regardless of whether or not you agree with the subject matter.
  • I will say that most of that stuff on the second link is kitsch and didn't catch it the first time around. But I think a lot of the entries in the competition link weren't so bad at all. Either way ad hominem attacks on christians as loud hyper fundies has no relevance to an art website, but it sure is the "in" thing to do.
  • I have no problem with religious art, some of the best art ever is religious, after modernism its easy to forget. My trouble was strictly with the art and the trite sentiments and execution of these paintings.
  • Yeah, what schlim said. Also, people who sponsor this sort of art have the tendency to start calling for bans on actual art which they deem offensive. And right now, they've got the political clout to do it.
  • hey, i'm serious this is what a get for lacking irony? like an accent, it lingers serious don't mean lacking in funny
  • damn jesus juice typos!
  • Man, Christian art used to rule, back during those counter-reformation days. What's up with the Heroic Realists Unite theme of current Christian art? It's like, Jesus doesn't want to be on velvet, dude. (He wants to be airbrushed onto your car. If I had the cash and the proper car, goddamn, would that be sweet...)
  • think "sanctioned art"
  • Yep, I've seen some of the Christian art they produced back in the day, it had a muscular spirituality to it that was so potent it was almost sexy. The stuff you see today is mostly cheesy and limp.
  • where's jesus? he hasn't posted lately. *sigh* where's jesus when you need him? like, to comment on god art and stuff.
  • I'd like to hear His opinion on the new Pope.
  • There was some novel I heard about on NPR a long time ago in which the author spun the tale somehow around the fact that many of the saints and Jesus in the old-style religious painted looked, in her words, "post-coital." I think it was entitled Spent or some such. Can't find it in the haystack of amazon results, though. But yeah, religious icons used to be teh sexay.
  • Hokay, who's got the "vigin mary dildo" collection already!
  • Ahem!
  • Now that's what I'm talking about, Wolof! Hot and reverential. Awesome. Tenacious, I'm gonna look for that book, it sounds very interesting.
  • Bashing "loud hyper fundies" is so in right now...
  • Buddy Christ approves of this new Christian art but asks that you refrain from bashing loud fundies until his return, whereupon he shall bash them with love.