April 19, 2005

The London Line is an exciting new free London newspaper (sorry, rest of the world). Full of amazing stuff. Spot the monkey.
  • Yay! *applause for monkey* Don't cheat now, guess before you click that link :)
  • You just beat me to posting this, Pleg - hurrah for wonderful talented monkeys!
  • Its about time, too. London really does need a non-fascist paper, and quick. Good work, flashboy, and good luck
  • Nice. Makes me 'omesick. G'job monkey.
  • *Applause for flashboy, keen observer of an infamous Central Asian dictator*
  • This is fun. From a food and drink review: The prices in rich people's pubs are only marginally more expensive than in the plebeian kind, and the food is often rather better. Kinnerton Street is sufficiently off the beaten track to filter out the proletariat and is exclusively frequented by the property-owning classes.
  • This is extremely good, like flashboy. I can't wait to buy one at tube stations, like flashboy.
  • Thanks, dudes... I am a tired (but happy) monkey. Technically, it costs 1p. Not free. Ish. I've actually just noticed a wee bug in the dates our content management system gives the articles... that Turkmenbashi piece was from last August, and the current issue is actually from the 14th...
  • Congrats, flashboy, that's really cool! Nice-looking paper too. We got two new free dailys here recently, and they're pretty trashy. I suppose the answer is to charge 1p. Keeps out the coinless, or something. ;)
  • Bookmarked, thanks.
  • Very fun and bright. Is it a weekly? you'd have to be insane to do it for free-ish on a daily basis. . . . Oh, wait... ;)
  • Congrats and Bon Chance, flashboy! If only we had a London tube station here.
  • I just picked up my very first copy of the London Line from a tube stop! Go flashy go go go!
  • Hey! Look! There's a new edition out! With Ken Livingstone writing an astonishingly boring article for us!
  • Good stuff, flasher. Hope it goes well.
  • I got mine at Victoria. As the coin rang hollowly in the box, I had a distinct HM Bateman feeling ('The man who actually put a penny in the box...)
  • We got about three quid in loose change at Paddington...
  • No, I was at holborn - and I never touched your loose change.
  • oh right gotcha
  • Glad to hear it's a go - congrats! Nice new website too.