April 19, 2005

Remember the joke about the ring around Uranus? Well apparently now you can get rid of the ugly stains....! Flabberwhelmed by this post i went asearching to edumacate maself. And then i found this. Mama mia!
  • After reading that, I've got the song "Don't it make my brown eyes blue? " stuck in my head.
  • I'd really dread being a teenager today, getting my first extra-curricular sex-ed from internet pr0n. Scary.
  • I have a lot to worry about on behalf of my kids and their future. This just adds to the very long list. It's extraordinarily difficult to walk that fine line between informing and protecting. I just hope to God that they turn out to be intelligent, thoughtful people who can differentiate between real flesh and plastic flesh, and like the real thing better.
  • Argh wins. )
  • "This, in turn, could lead to (...) an inability to pass stools at all" Umm. I'm having a hard time with the physics of that.
  • So, how did they know a bleach job was needed to begin with? (twisting body and craning neck to no avail) Ah, I get it! Wing nut looks in mirror, thinks, hmmm... shave or bleach?
  • dirtdirt, your (_._) seems to have two additional bungholes. You might want to get those spackled and filled prior to bleaching the middle one.
  • No, you should bleach first. Spackle sticks better to a cleaned surface.
  • Spackle won't hold up under the kind of conditions that occur in that area. I'd recommend some Quickcrete or all weather silicone caulk. If you want it to look really nice maybe go with some nice Stucco
  • don't worry about the stools, those that bleach their asses aren't likely to eat much anyway. (I enjoy the link about my link. ooo!)