April 15, 2005

Kintana: an aye-aye [world's largest nocturnal primate] born/bred in captivity in February. He's so ugly , he's darn cute!

With a long middle finger to boot! Poor creatures have been persecuted because of their ugliness

  • Never mind smiley face spiders - this is scary!
  • Reminiscent of the Demon Rat Monkey from Dead Alive.
  • jesus fuck, just looking at it makes me want to smash it with a brick.
  • Welcome, brother monkey! Now somebody put a paper bag over him, quick. He's giving me the heebee jeebees...
  • If you like big-eyed lemurs, Kintana's a charmer. Kudos to the Bristol Zoo!
  • oh, he just had a bad-hair day. here's a far better picture. aye-aye, matey! arrrrr.
  • Awww...and his eyes aren't that jaundiced yellow anymore. Might be the lighting or something in the first pic.
  • Oh, he's not ugly, he's adorable! What a cutie!
  • I'm with mothninja. He looks sweet.
  • Although he does look a little, um, manic in this particular picture. But cute manic.
  • *disclaimer: my aye-aye link is a photographic rendition of an example of a typical aye-aye, not any specifically aforementioned aye-aye. aye?*
  • Kinda reminds me of some of the specimens in this book.
  • He was great in "Young Frankenstein".
  • I'm with the "he's so cuuuuute" contingent. Far cuter than the fellow in Sidey's pseudo-Kintara pic.
  • Dagnabbit. pseudo-Kintana.
  • I swear to God, if those things could talk, they'd all sound like Peter Lorre. Come to think of it, they kind of look like him, too.
  • Kinda reminds me of Earl but I'm sure Kitana is much nicer.
  • I first saw these things on Gerald Durrel's documentary series on channel 4 about.. ooh, 100 years ago. They tap on the trees or something to tell if there's grubs inside, then scoop 'em out with the long finger.
  • Wow, he's amazingly ugly. And yet irresistibly cute. That's my mammalian-young nurturing instinct kicking in, I'm sure. Because boy is that little aye-aye ugly.
  • Not in the least bit ugly.
  • And while Kintana is a nice name, they totally should've stuck with calling him Gollum.
  • monkeyfilter: jesus fuck, just looking at it makes me want to smash it with a brick
  • I love aye-ayes. It's amazing watching them use that finger to eat. There's one at the SF Zoo also. *googles* Huh, well, there used to be. Guess it's not there any more.
  • They could eat a soft-boiled egg without using toast. I suspect they would prefer a large squishy bug larva, tho.
  • Mmm. Actually, I could go for a lovely soft boiled egg with soldiers right now. Pity I have no eggs in the fridge.. or bread. But I am far too lazy to go to the shops.
  • you eat soldiers? what are you, australian? monkeyfilter: It's amazing watching them use that finger to eat
  • I mean, if the locals fear it: "The aye-aye is a creature thought so ugly that in its native jungle superstitious villagers beat it to death" SOMEthing has to be up with it. If that thing escapes and gets even close to a leaking nuclear storage tank... well, say bye to Bristol, lovelies. Imagine those "cute" fingers 6 feet long. *shivers*
  • I'm sayin'. Demon Rat Monkey + Bite = Zombie Apocalypse.
  • Australians eat soldiers? Is this a cultural thing?
  • Yay! I live about a mile from Bristol Zoo. Go Zoo! Check out the videos (Quicktime) I'm so going there tomorrow. Chances of seeing this little chap are close to zero, but it's a great place anyway. Lots of endangered breeding programs.
  • I love the little blighter. For in the heart of each of us, does there not lurk an ugly, naked monkey? ....and you know what are good? Crumpet soldiers. They soak up a softboiled egg like nobody's business. With a little salt. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
  • I just made me some soft boiled eggy-weggs and made toast out of the sourdough bread I made last night. Simple, with a bit of salt a pepper. They even make their own sauce. Yum.
  • Where have all the potential chickens gone, Long time passing?
  • Kind of reminds me of a bat with no wings. It is the ears I think. I also think it is cute.
  • OMG, the videos are adorable!!! It reminds me of a hairless Chihuahua with opposable thumbs.
  • Eggy-weggs and steaky-wakes. And a bit of the old in-out, in-out.
  • That would be a bit messy, unless they're hardboiled eggs, no?
  • Nice MCT, caught my Clockwork Orange reference.
  • (...or hardboiled yarbles)
  • Went to the zoo today. Didn't see the little one, but saw his parents. They're fantastic. Their tails are bigger then their bodies. They were being very active. Hugely beautiful animals. The slow loris was cuter, though.
  • Blows my mind that locals are killing an endangered animal because of superstition. I wonder if they kill ugly children too for good luck.
  • As I look at the picture and consider that the little feller is just a wee babe, I get all fuzzy-mushy and think how cute he is. If I met something about three feet tall that looked like this in a dark room, you'd probably have to scrape me off the ceiling and for sure you'd have to change my knickers.