April 13, 2005

Bonsai Kitten "By physically constraining the growth of a developing living thing, it can be directed to take the shape of the vessel that constrains it. Just as a topiary gardener produces bushes that take the forms of animals or any other thing, you no longer need be satisfied with a housepet having the same mundane shape as all other members of its species. With Bonsai Kitten, a world of variation awaits you, limited only by your own imagination." This is one of the more twisted ideas I have run across.
  • this is ancient, sorry.
  • reminds me of the legless velcro kitten for small apartment living
  • I figured as much, but was the first I had heard of it. Perhaps we should discuss the great space coaster instead.
  • this may be ancient too so i'll tack it on if no one minds, just to swing it simian, fleeing the feline, cool cats
  • No please tack away
  • way ancient...
  • Anything is possible at zombocom.
  • I hear there's this guy who has dug a hole in his backyard...
  • Did any of you guys hear about that bunny with pancakes on its head?
  • Well.. as to its antiquity, I will defer to you guys... However, this was the first time I'd seen this on the internets (and I've seended most of the "dood, that was so last year" stuff) Stuff will pass us by from time to time (not saying everyone should run off and post their oldies but goodies) so I appreciate this post. What I find funnier is that Snopes actually had to debunk this. How gullible can people be? from their Methods section They are extremely soft and springy. In fact, if you take a week-old kitten and throw it to the floor, it will actually bounce! We do not recommend that you try this at home. The kitten may bounce under the furniture and be difficult to retrieve, as well as covered in unsightly household dust. tee hee!!!!
  • I had never seen this one before so I find it fresh, moist and funny.
  • i think this was the first and only time i've fallen for a hoax on the net, but it was 1998 and I was a noob.
  • Does this have anything to do with Richard Gere ,Rod Stewart and a hospital visit?
  • lol @ Argh!
  • BTW I have this Nigerian guy that keeps e-mailing me about some bank account.
  • The first and only thing that comes to mind is foot-binding...
  • What about a Bonsai Kittie in a Klein bottle?
  • All your kittenz...
  • What about a Bonsai list of ancients? People pop things old but still circulating (as above) into my mail, thankfully low on the truly old hoaxes and chain letters-- avoiding those (like we all hope to), we could assemble a list here, rank, rate and refer the uninitiated at it. or i could try to encourage assfat into a tail as i've already bonsaied my ears to far to wear average hats-- *bows with gracious humility at you far too kind shouter outters* (bonus disclosure, slightly hungover)
  • Always feel sorry for espaliered trees and shrubs -- plants try so hard to exist and grow in three dimensions. Not unlike the rest of us that way.
  • Hi ethylene!