April 12, 2005

Just Say No. What's the weirdest thing you've ever tried to make a pipe or bong out of? For me, it was probably the case of a stick of Old Spice and a Bic pen... However, I'm guessing [hoping?] this kid in Vermont has us all beat,
  • Jeez man. That kid should know better. You'd never be able to get a clean hit off that thing.
  • Hmmm... Drinking wine from Nostradamus's skull will bring prophetic dreams, so smoking pot from some anonymous dude's head might... well... might do something? Perhaps? Anyone have direct experience in the matter?
  • I'm still trying to get the imagined smell of the Old Spice out of my nose. wah!
  • ya know, i did clean it out first, patita... :)
  • Jeebuz up-jumpin' Crispy on a Cracker! I mean shit, that kid has major issues!
  • This is even more creative than the iBong.
  • Why didn't he just go to a head shop? Hahahaha -- sorry.
  • We made a couple out of pumpkins and cantalope.
  • Whoa - there is nothing new under the sun. One of my just-post-college boyfriends' roommates got sent to a mental institution for almost exactly the same crime. Anyway they started out (note that this was art school & the boyfriend in question did have a cockroach farm, not that this excuses graverobbing on any level, but there you are) with ordinary run of the mill grave robbing. Then the crazy roommate decided to not only turn a skull into a bong but actually to mix the brains/dust/matter/stuff in the skull (it was very dried out) into the weed he was selling at the time. Right about then was when my ex turned him in to the college who called his parents who came and took him away, allegedly to a mental institution in Texas. Or maybe it was a few minutes after he told my ex that he had just, in fact, smoked somebody's dried brains.
  • I've smoked it from pipes made from soda cans and apples. A friend fo mine created the "Miracle Bong" from a jar of Miracle Whip.
  • Hmm let's see if i can remember.. Beer cans, fruit, kelp parts and gas masks. At our camp in big sur there is one made from soapstone and a bird leg bone(found). No skulls thank you.
  • As a res assistant at college, I once confiscated one made out of a Chia pet. It could be disassembled and displayed innocuously on one's bookshelf. About that iBong...I do have an old Mac Classic laying around...
  • In college (of course), I made one out of a wiffle ball bat -- stem on the side, draw from the base of the handle. I once walked right past a security guard who was looking for whomever was responsible for that cloud of pot smoke (certainly not me! I'm just going out to play some ball tonight mister). I like the chia pet though -- that's class.
  • el es queso, it puts my mind and nose at ease to hear that.
  • anti-tank missle tube . . . (TOW)
  • I was going to post this in the bad roomie FPP, but I once had a roommate that stole the tubes out of rolls of paper towels, wrapping paper, and worst of all...toilet paper. He would then use these to take knife hits off of the electric range in the kitchen. Do you know how hard it is to get a good wad of toilet paper when it won't spin? Hard, I tell you!!! He moved out and I poured sulfuric through his ceiling in his new downstairs apartment.
  • btw I had a friend in college whose personal saying was "Just say yo to drugs." This was during the Reagan presidency. It was funny.
  • an old brass tap. More of a large pipe, really.
  • A keg, a hairdryer, copper tubing and a gas mask. We called it "The Equalizer".
  • Vampire melon plus bagpipe chanter.
  • damn, beeswacky, even your bongs are poetic.
  • Foil-lined diaphragm, Krazy Straw, coconut shell.
  • A flute and a gun that shoots. You ain't goin' NOWHERE.
  • Ah, the creativity of the Monkeys. Somehow, your choice of materials reflects what I imagine to be your personalities. Bees! You old pipin' reprobate, you.
  • my fists and some tinfoil. yes, it hurt. yes, it was an act of desperation.
  • A hole in the ground.
  • *wins vs Zanshin in "act of desperation" contest*
  • It really is the cheese...
  • The top and bottom of a 2 liter bottle fit nicely inside a big bag of tootsie roll pops. You tape the bag to the ends of the two liter bottle, making sure it's airtight, then carve a hole in the bottom of the bottle to insert a pipe into. It's sort of like an accordion. You light the pipe when the bag is already compressed, expand the tootsie bong slowly, and then remove the pipe after the bag is full of smoke. Next step is to unscrew the cap. Then you just plug the pipe hole with your thumb and squeeze the two ends of the bottle toward each other and inhale the smoke that shoots out of the mouth of the bottle. You can uncover the pipe hole to inhale the last bits of smoke when you're done. The Tootsie Bong rocks. Also, be sure to eat the Tootsie Pops before building the bong. I forgot that part.
  • wouldn't you want to save the Tootsie Pops for AFTER using it?
  • I've used all the standard devices: potatoes, apples, toilet paper rolls/knive hits, pop cans, etc. As well as spending ridiculous amounts of money over my many years on bongs/pipes that continuously had to be replaced due to predictable theft, breakage, or sheer beauty (I just HAVE to have that!). The best one: An ex carved a beautiful tray exclusively for smoking purposes that contained a five-line hookah and necessary tools. Let me tell you, that thing could smoke. The worst one: Gorgeous antique Turkish hookah that smoked like shit but look beautiful. How 'bout.....What's the strangest place you ever got high in?
  • A plastic lemonade bottle. Simple and classic.
  • a tuba.
  • Man, I never built a bong. I feel sort of left out now. I do however recall the time my brother showed me his Stoner Survival Skills with an empty Mountain Dew bottle, gum wrapper foil and a McDonald's straw. For some reason I have no clear memories of what happened after that, but I seem to dimly remember that whatever it was was pretty damn funny. I think it might also have involved potato chips.
  • The bear-shaped honey bottle does well. Some friends once built one out of a six-foot semi-flexible tube. Required two people to smoke. One would get up on a stepladder and prepare for the hit. Number two would sit on the floor and light the bowl. After they filled the tube, number two would pull the bowl out and put his thumb over the hole. Then number one would suck until the tube collapsed flat. When he nodded that he was ready, number two would pull his thumb away and six feet of smoke would shotgun straight into your lungs in a fraction of a second. Lemme tell you, you only needed one or two of those.
  • A pop bottle, a bic pen, a stick of gum, and a dream. MacGuyver was a pussy.
  • Kazoo.
  • We used to take prescription pill bottles, drill a couple holes, hot glue a bic pen (with foil around the end)in the bottom hole, insert doob into pen, & smoke from the top using the top drilled hole for a carb. Note: Make sure that you're not sooo stoned that you don't notice the foil fall out before you place the doob, oh and then smoke part of the pen after the doob burns down that far and wonder why the bong hits are starting to burn your chest so much! Also built a 5-person hookah from a vase we got at Pier 1 and assorted plumbing accesories from the hardware store. It was a 6 person effort and was constructed in a matter of a couple hours. You could burn an 1/8th in one bowl in a matter of 3-5 hits for everyone. Don't remember a whole lot from those days!
  • Oh yeah, the pill bottle bongs were water bongs. And we used to do "DNBH's". Dry Nose Bong Hits. Harsh.
  • Hi, Grimbaldi!
  • This reminds me of the time I was at an ex-girlfriends house and her little brother was getting stoned in the front room with a bunch of his friends. Once they were good and toasty they started talking about bong building. Each guy got more and more elaborate in his "fantasy bong" building until one guy trumped 'em all. "Wouldn't it be cool if I had one of my hands chopped off and instead of a hook I had a bong..." I would have thought the other stonites might have tried to change his mind, but they all wanted bonghands after that.