April 12, 2005

Proof that the Idaho State Legislature has a healthy sense of humor...
  • Heh. Teh funny is on page 2 for those who don't get it.
  • I've never seen "FREAKIN' IDIOTS" in that context before.
  • That rules.
  • Vote for Pedro!
  • Fuck, you beat me!
  • Corporate-government conflict of interest! I call shenanigans!
  • My State rocks every once in a great while.
  • Vote for Pedro, and all your wildest dreams will come true.
  • Hey, it's a good movie. It's certainly more justified than, say, commending "The Matrix: Reloaded" for promoting the IT industry/idustries.
  • This was wonderful. I needed that.
  • WHEREAS, tater tots figure prominently in this film thus promoting Idaho's most famous export damn. Now I need some tots.
  • It's about frickin' time someone gave uncle Rico props. Oh, and it's frickin' rollerblades, not a skateboard. Cage fighters do't use skateboards.
  • That made me very happy. Thanks, mecurious!
  • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we, the members of the House of Representatives and the Senate of the State of Idaho, advocate always following your heart, and thus we eagerly await the next cinematic undertaking of Idaho's Hess family. That made me very happy. It just seems so optimistic for government.
  • You guys are just jealous because I spent all day talking to hot babes on the internet.
  • That made me laugh. But now my lips hurt REALLY BAD.
  • Didn't mention the 'liger' in the bit about animal husbandry, though. I call for an Amendment.
  • Now all our wildest dreams will come true.
  • What a goddamn waste of taxpayers' money!
  • Somebody had to say it. Better it be someone who doesn't believe it's true.
  • Did you read the fiscal impact statement at the bottom?
  • No. Did you? Should I have? Damn it, I can't do anything without fucking it up.
  • This is pretty much the worst bill ever made.
  • I think it's good. I'll vote for it. How do I move to Idaho?
  • Spelling Bee contestant does a Napoleon Dynamite impression. Did anyone else see this? One of the funniest moments of the National Spelling Bee yesterday (it was on ESPN) was when contestant Dominic Ranz Ebarle Errazo, before spelling his word, blurted out in his best Napoleon Dynamite voice: "Do the chickens have large talons?" The knowing kids in the audience laughed, but the adults were puzzled. The TV commentator said something like, "I wonder if he's giving some kind of code." I haven't seen any mention of this. Have you? (via Obscure Store)
  • I didn't understand a single word he said. Now drink up this tall glass of egg yolks, boys.