April 12, 2005

Today is Yuri's Night – a celebration I have just now heard of and don't plan to celebrate, but it's worth remembering that today is the anniversary of Yuri Gagarin becoming the first person to fucking go into space on April 12, 1961.


  • "Circling the Earth in the orbital spaceship I marvelled at the beauty of our planet. People of the world! Let us safeguard and enhance this beauty - not destroy it!" (From the first link. Says it all.)
  • The Cold War BS has completely obscured the fact that Yuri is a world hero. I guess because he was one of them pinko Russkies he is all but ignored in this country. All you earthlings are stupid, stupid, stupid!
  • An internet "friend" of mine wrote an entire album about Yuri Gagarin, and it's quite good, very folky. If you have Soulseek, you may be able to find it by searching for "Pickering Pick" and downloading "On Rocket Rapture." It's worth it. It's true, we here in the USA laud John Glenn at every possible turn (Alan Shepard less so), but Yuri gets no mention, except maybe in the "This Day in History" section of the paper, next to the crossword puzzle and horoscopes. It's about time we get over our Cold War downplaying of anything the Soviets did and give some honor to a true pioneer.
  • the first person to fucking go into space ... Anybody else get an image of Elmer Fudd there, singing "a-fucking we will go..."? Wascally Wussian!
  • In Soviet Union, space go into Yuri! Wait that doesn't make any fucking sense whatsoever. Sorry.
  • In Soviet Russia, [direct object] [transitive verb]s [subject]!
  • For a moment I thought this was taking place in Japan, and really wished to be there... Then I realized that Yuri was a name. Damn. Ruin my hopes, will ya? Much respect to the spaceman, in any case.
  • It is taking place in Japan, after a fashion. There are parties in Akita, Nagoya, Osaka, Sapporo, and two spots in Tokyo!
  • What is Yuri besides a (female) name in Japan(ese)?
  • "Because space isn't a spectator sport." woohoo!
  • fuyugare: Shoujoai is another term for it. It's the female equivalent to yaoi. So, yaoi is male-male and yuri is female-female. Unless it's Yuri Gargarin. Then it's another topic entirely, apparently... :)
  • Huh. Never heard of yuri as a synonym for that before. Are you sure about it? It isn't in koujien or daijirin. Is it a neologism? Lesbianism is usually (onna-no)douseiai or whatever.
  • Wiki's not an absolute authority, but it's there.
  • Yeah, even the terms shoujo-ai and shounen-ai sound a bit strange to my ears. It's pretty non-standard except maybe in these fandoms.
  • Though I’m past one hundred thousand miles I’m feeling very still And I think my spaceship knows which way to go Tell my wife I love her very much she knows? Ground Control to Major Tom Your circuit’s dead, there’s something wrong Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you....
  • Thanks for the reminder.
  • Woot!!