April 11, 2005

Philadelphia meetup pics
  • Great photos, thanks for sharing! Phoar, suonynoma (am I spelling that right?) - I always thought it was a girl's name. Shows me up when he turns out to be a hot guy. And filmgeek, that's one sexy jrun.
  • I'm still pissed that I managed to land a job on the weekend of the meetup. :( Well, pissed, and glad that I'll have money again.
  • *applauds pictures* Suomynona is anonymous spelled backwards.
  • beeswacky, shh! the shoutout? delectable!
  • Oh. That would make sense. Thanks.
  • Suo, kudos for the shoutout you crazy kid.
  • Thanks Suomy. Mofirc 4-eva!
  • Oh...no shout out for me this time. Maybe next time, right guys? ha ha ha. Yeah.
  • What, no video!?!?!?!\ heh, heh, heh...
  • Nobody ever shouts for me either. They'll pay. Oh yes, they'll pay...
  • Damn, I wish I had been able to make it. Next time!
  • I wished I still lived in Philly! C'mon Minneapolis monkeys, we have to do one of these eventually...
  • I had no idea there were so many monkeys in Philadelphia! Looks like you all had a good time.
  • Wish I could have made it. Looks like you had some fun.
  • Wow, my first shout-out. I feel honored. Thanks, Suo.
  • Hey look, I got one too. And it's my first fully visible, properly spelled 'out. Thanks! One step closer to being a rock star! Err, I mean, you look like a bunch of nice folk. Not a hint of Londonian jadedness or LAian oneupmanship.
  • I'm far too jaded to cry about not getting a shoutout. I'll just mope instead.
  • Yeah, I never get shouted at. That's a good thing, though, because I cry when people shout at me :) Oooooh, shout *ouuuuuut*
  • Don't cry nunky. Let's plan a live, on video wresting smack down for the mofi pope title. We'll meet up on neutral ground. How's Austraila sound? How does "The Thunder from Down Unda" sound? Oh, sorry, was I LA oneupsmanship-ing?
  • i almost shouted you out quidnunc. Next time, i promise
  • That's OK Suomynona, but I'm afraid that when I utterly defeat squidranch in EXTREME PAPAL WRESTLING I'm going to have to condemn you to hell's firey bog-hole for all eternity. Some people might call that excessive: but just remember that those "people" are actually fungal people-imitators who eat babies.
  • How about extreme PAYPAL wrestling, and we sell tickets on eBay?
  • The next time I go to a meet, I'll print out the entire username field from the database. Then everyone will be happy.
  • Young Master Quidnunc - I shouted you out WAY back in December. Bugger if I can figure out how to link to it, but it's in Flickr under MoFi/MeFi Meetup Ann Arbor Dec 2004. So no moping!
  • The next time I go to a meet, I'll print out the entire username field from the database. Then everyone will be happy. What about everyone who deleted their accounts? They won't be. They might even cry
  • The petebests will just have to deal.
  • And Dizzy, if he still lurks.
  • Eligo in Summum Pontificem Quidnunc
  • Ecce pontifex quidnunc - ego sum via, veritas et vita [/blasphemy] OneOliveShort: bless you!
  • Naw, I wasn't moping. Just being super snarky because of the stress. But, I'm giving my dissertation to my committee today, so hopefully this time next month I'll be all doctored up!
  • Oh, good luck!
  • Or you can see my official ballot.