April 11, 2005

Siegfried and Roy- Root of all Evil in the World Today
  • Finally, the world awakes!
  • This is old news.... Also, white tigers are lame, and Squid would never consent to anything involving Siggy and Roy.
  • Finally, the world awoke!
  • I for one welcome our etc., etc., etc. Wait -- do I? Sure, why not?
  • "While watching Siegfried and Roy, he had a sudden realization that what was wrong with the world was linked to the illusionists' treatment, dominance and unhealthy intimacy he saw them having with their animals," Roitman wrote. "[U]nhealthy intimacy he saw them having with their animals"? Siegfried and Roy publicly molested the tigers as part of the act? Why did nobody say anything before? "That tiger'll bite you!", as the punch line would go. Maybe this guy get knocked on the head too hard during football practice, or something.