April 09, 2005
Get Perpendicular!
Hitachi seems to be so proud of their breakthrough in hard drive storage technology that they made the cheesiest flash to promote it.
that was awesome
the guys (and gals) at hitachi that made this are not getting perpedicular tonight. guaranteed!
Two words. Schoolhouse Rock.
You're dating yourself, squidranch. If I think about the number of adults who will watch that animation and not get the reference because they wouldn't be born for ten years yet when Schoolhouse Rock was on, I'll probably be sad...
So, the technology works by turning your hard drive into Studio 54? Where do they add the cocaine and assless chaps?
Stan, this reminds me of when I was a kid in third grade or so when a guy from my class was telling another kid about a bit from Sesame Street. I jumped in and gave him a ration of shit for watching the show, for being "a baby". He very astutely let me know that I wouldn't have known what he was talking about if I didn't watch the show myself. I friggin' love schoolhouse rock. I wouldn't have learned the preamble to the constitution with out it. I've got about six of the songs on my itunes. Long live Schoolhouse Rock!!!
I think everyone under 30 will get Schoolhouse Rock, as it is probably one of the top 5 pop culture references/parodies of the last decade. Doing a parody of it to be hip is at least 5 years out of date but hey, not bad for a major corporation...
Oh man, I was just watching that earlier tonight, and was thinking about posting it. I really have no idea who they were trying to reach or what they were really trying to do with that thing, but it was awesome anyway, in that sort of "WTF?" kind of way. Oh, and Schoolhouse Rock? Way to get all American on our asses, here. I know the reference, but ain't seen it. Snooty friggin' Americans. I kid, I kid>
rofl, long live Super Actuator Man. But when did we start measuring data capacity by number of songs. I need things to be measured in Library of Congress units or I will never understand the scope of this.
Yeah, I'm with livii, you American bastards. Closest I ever got was the Simpsons' "Amendment to Be". And didn't Mike Moore do a parody of one in either Columbine or Fahrenheit 9/11?
Oh man, that's hilarious!
If squidranch dates himself, will he get lucky?
Conjunction Junction, what's your function? Hookin' up words 'n' phrases 'n' clauses... -
Nice thing about dating yourself is I never have to guess what to order for the other person. I like everything I like. And if I wanna go home early or late, my date does too. And we both have the same sex drive, so when I wanna fool around, I do too!!! I'm still not sure about commitment though, and neither am I.
14 comments and not 1 pepsi blue bitch-out? I love you guys. knock on wood
♪♫ We the people in order to form a more perfect union establish justice and ensure domestic tranquiliteeeeee provide for the common defense promote the general welfare and (something something something) to ourselves and our prosperity do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America! ♪♫
I had to recite the preamble to a somewhat hard ass social studies teacher back in Junior High and remember just barely catching myself from breaking into song while doing it.
There was a Family Guy parody, too. Vagina Junction, what's your function? Takin' in sperm and spittin' out babiesss.....
not sure this would fall into Pepsi Blue territory because the people that will actually be buying this technology aren't consumers per se, they are other businesses (say, Apple or other consumer electronics manufacturers) and to pick up those sales I doubt their brilliant approach includes a cartoon. so this is just for the amusement of the regular folk on the net, i guess.