February 01, 2004
is another MeFi clone which is focused on Iran and is maintained by Hossein Derakhshan (AKA hoder.)
I enjoy IranFilter and have been following it for a couple of months. Lots of interesting links, whether (as he says) you care about Iran or not. Look, it's a metaphilter site, too, just like us. Aww.
Iran Cracks Down on Bloggers
Egypt too.
That Blog-I-am! That Blog-I-am! I do not like That Blog-I-am!
This Iranian American Life
(Ah, I do love Middle Eastern music.) One thing that surprised me is how casual women there are about covering their hair. Iran is reputed to be the most conservative Islamic state about such things. so does it depend on what area one lives in, or is the society loosening up in general? I can understand the all female singing/drumming group, but the girl hailing a taxi would be shocking in some places.
I think "hailing a taxi" would make for a great slang phrase reprersenting a kinky sexual practice, but I just can't think of what it would be. although I do enjoy trying
Iranian censors clamp down on bloggers
Meanwhile, Iran's president gets his own blog
Meanwhile, Iran's president gets his own blog Just wait until he has to deal with comment spam. The price of oil will go up twenty dollars a barrel.
Ramin Jahanbegloo: a repressive release
Iranian Jews sue ex-president Khatami
RTD, my wife suggests that "hailing the taxi" should be slang for picking up a, um, large woman at a bar.
Iran's Supreme Leader: Don't masturbate in Ramadan (or break DRM)
In honor of Ramadan, I will eat extra pork and write about it for NaNoWriMo. The other white meat: great with the other white sauce, by Nuniella Bizatorrie.
Release of persecuted Iranian trade unionist welcomed