April 04, 2005
"Holga", "Diana", "Dories", "Debonair", "Lubitel", "Banner" "Snappy" and "Yunon".
They're cheap, maddening, fascinating plastic pieces of crap. Many people hate them, they think they're junk, worthless, a waste of time. But we love them. We can't stop talking about them. We just can't shut up at all.
[this is good]
Nice site. One of the tutorials (about modifying the cameras for macro work - really hacky stuff with stickytape and magnifying glasses) has inspired me. As I type I'm halfway through a hack for my point-and-shoot digital camera involving rubber-band/foamcore-board/bunch-of-dioptres to get a better macro mode for it. Hopefully, it'll mean I won't have to carry around the old SLR that the dioptres actually fit on.
Awesome. I bow to this post.
Yummy camera goodness. Last summer my girfriend & I turned an old Polaroid land camera into a pinhole & went to Prague. Ohboyohboyohboy. Fun for the whole family.
These are all such great cameras to travel with. Inexpensive plastic little workhorses can make you vacation picks have a more interesting feel that may be more representative of your travels then the best digital camera.
oops. That's "pics" of course. Not picks.... Spell check always correcting my slang.
Very neat, Argh. Worldwide Pinhole Day is coming up on April 24th.
Excellent Cheers
Mmm... Holgas.
This is awesome. I just had to do emergency surgery on my lomo action sampler yesterday, and I appreciate any toycamera hacks... [Surgery, since I'm really proud of it, went like this: The film advance wheel was turning, but the reel was not. So, I had to take the damn thing apart, and it has the smallest screws ever. I found out that there was a tiny plastic tab that had snapped off at some point, thus leaving the wheel "floating." I had to take off the wheel, which involved a surgical hacksaw moment to remove the guard above the wheel, then attach a bit of a pin tip to the axle so that it would still clear the wheel when the rewind button was depressed. I heated up the pin end and melted it in. After a couple tries, boom, the camera works! I had to put the damn thing back together, and didn't lose any screws (though it doesn't seem as tight as it was)...]
Milo has an excellent photoblog which features toy cameras.