March 31, 2005
Dr Johnson, A to Z
For the 250th anniversary of Dr Johnson's dictionary.
Johnson's friend Oliver Goldsmith described his argument technique thus: "If he cannot shoot you with his pistol, he will knock you down with the butt-end of it."
A cat- and book-loving bondage freak. He'd have loved it here...
Happy anniversary, Dr. Johnson.
Don't miss the rather hilarious 'Johnson's Life of Boswell' over at McSweeney's:
I now see the good Doctor as Robbie Coltrane thanks to Blackadder. Sausage?!
I enjoyed that. Thanks, Wolof. I've never read Johnson. Or Boswell. Or Pepys. I always got the notion somehow that were wry, ardent men; one about himself and London, and the other about himself and Johnson, and the last about himself.