March 29, 2005

Would you rub elbows with this man?

Russian man grows penis on arm.

  • Sure... I'd take it as it comes...
  • Wasn't that guy the House Majority Leader in the 90's?
  • Geez, why remove it? Who's in for a little forearm foreplay?
  • Would you rub elbows with this man?
    sure, if i was wearing opera gloves.
  • From the page: “Women will never suspect it is artificial.” For what value of "women"?
  • Name That Itch beat me to the Dick Armey reference, dammit. Favorite Family Guy quote: Dick Armey: Hi, I'm Dick Armey. Peter: Dick Armey? What's your wife's name? Vagina Coast Guard?
  • He could certainly liven up this sport.
  • Forewarnedskinned is forearmed.
  • The one on his arm is much larger than the one between his legs. I am going to go buy some poofy shirts and contact that doctor.
  • In Soviet Union, penis grows on YOU!
  • The photo seems like it's been reused from a similar story from Russia, back in August of 2000, where surgeons grew a replacement penis for a 16 year-old boy after he burnt his off peeing on a live wire. Here's a link to an Ananova article about it, although there's no date stamp on it, and here's a link to the original Pravda story from back then, too. I'm disappointed that they're reusing old photos and passing it off as new. If you can't trust Pravda, who can you trust?
  • well, they aren't trying to pass it of as new. photo caption: Photo:, image of a similar operation held several years ago. maybe some guys with penises on their arms are shyer than others? (and why does that sound like the title of a song?)
  • Ah, perhaps I should read the fine print before purchasing next time. Perhaps I'll read the not-so-fine print, too. So what is it with the former eastern bloc and weird penis news? Anyone remember this one? And all the stories seem to crop up on, for some reason. Hmmm... 507 stories with penis.
  • yick!
  • He's not related to this guy is he?