March 27, 2005
Gode Cookery - a compilation of medieval recipes.
via Scribbling Woman. Some translations, including Fish in a Sweet and Sour Sauce, Poached Salmon and a Meat Pie. OK, hungry now.
Here's a whole lot more links to recipe books and other things, including the ever useful Shakespearian Food Frenzy and writings on the potato.
"Ye be welcome. Wyll it please youe to sytt or stonde be the fyre a litell while? The nyghtes be prety and colde now. A roste apple ye shall have, and fenell seede. Mor we wyl not promyse youe."I want a roste apple.
Very cool polychrome. Food and history, two of my favorite things.
Frumenty is not served often enough these days.
Frankly, the punch was a little weak. Let's up the ante .
O god Nickdanger I hope Nostril doesn't read that!
I hope he doesn't drink it!