March 26, 2005

Destruct-o-Match is an insanely addictive flash game for this slow, slow Saturday morning. (You don't have to login, just hit the play button.)
  • Looks like a variation of this game which has been killing my time for years...
  • Thanks for the link, wendell. I like Shapion, too, although it makes me feel like a giant, uncoordinated toddler.
  • The only way I know how to play games like these is by clicking randomly on clusters of the same color. ,, Are there actual tactics for it?
  • I wish I could answer your question, Flutterby, but I tend to play games like this one intuitively. I guess you're trying to line up the odd colored blocks by knocking off the big color clusters beneath them... It helps if you focus on 2 or 3 columns at a time, going from right to left.... ugh, this is no help at all, is it?
  • This is very similar to Clickomania, a little game that I was addicted to about 10 years ago. It was freeware then, but I see that like Snood, it has gone through several commercial remakes and is now difficult to find except on Kazaa-like places.
  • Yes. You click on groups of the same color, two or more blocks. Since everything falls to the bottom, you can line up unmatched blocks by destroying things under them. Destruct-o-match is the entire reason I've had a lameass Neopets account for, like, three freaking years. (Do not, under any circumstances, try to read anything written by the members. They are hyenas with keyboards.) The site can be scary and a little sickening, with the tons of pandering to kids, but the games themselves can be quite addictive. Oftentimes they're adaptations of existing games - there's one that's a not very fun version of Bust-a-Move/Snood, a vague Tetris clone, and so on - but some are decent. Like this one. To which I am addicted like you wouldn't believe. I'm also fond of oh, what's it called. Sutek's Tomb, also under "puzzle games." It's another block-type game. I'll have to try out the one linked by wendell. Because I'm not unproductive enough, apparently!
  • This may not be applicable, but it sure is teh funny: MonkeyFilter: (Do not, under any circumstances, try to read anything written by the members. They are hyenas with keyboards.)
  • Funny, Wurwilf, I almost didn't post this because the NeoPet community, such as it is, really sort of freaks me out. I'll have to check out some of the other puzzle games. I'm always looking for the new tetris... BlueHorse: *snicker*
  • *Modestly bows, extends hand to Wurwilf, proffers roses
  • I avoid the community at all costs. Really. (and I'm always flattered when I'm taglined, hyena or not. *swoons*)