March 23, 2005

Starting with a Walker Evans print... Did you know that the photos from the Farm Securities Administration are all public domain and online?

Or that you can order prints AND negatives? Also availible are: Photos from the Ottoman Empire, circa 1880s, Ansel Adams' portraits of Japanese internment camps, Ancient Baseball cards, a picture of twin sisters Liberty and Union, mayhap? Browse the archives yourself here.

  • Today must be the day of broken image links! While they are public domain, it doesn't mean you can freely use the images to your liking: "Users are reminded that these materials are provided by the Library of Congress for educational and scholarly purposes and that transmission or reproduction of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. The nature of historical archival collections means that copyright or other information about restrictions may be difficult or even impossible to determine."
  • Starting with a Walker Evans print... here's a direct link to the uncompressed tiff file (may require a plugin to view depending on yur browser)
  • Oh, this is so cool. I see they have a cartoon archive, too. Looks like I'm going to be spending the day procrastinating... again..
  • Sugar- Thanks for the link help. As for the public domain- no, that's exactly what public domain means. I can have photographs taken while whiping my ass with them. However, not all images in the collections are in the public domain. But, for example, I'm thinking of ordering a bunch of the negatives and making new prints, then offering them for sale.
  • wiping, I mean. Where'd that H come from? Burroughs, that's who!