March 23, 2005

Ann Telneas' editorial cartoons aren't just clever; they're beautifully composed. here's a nice one, and another, and another, and another....
  • All the links after the first one are broken. Also, there's something that bugs me about cartoonists who write big nametags on their characters. If the audience doesn't know who you are drawing perhaps they aren't the ones who will get the joke
  • The fourth link works for me, and has no nametags at all. I get 403s for all others except the first.
  • That's weird. They all still work for me. Maybe it's a browser thing? (I'm using Safari.) Space Coyote, I hear you. But I don't think she over-relies on that convention, at least compared to a lot of editorial cartoonists.
  • I had never read (seen?) her work. I am now! Thanks for the link.
  • I don't think the broken links have to do with browser type. I think the website is constructed in a way that does not allow external linking. If I click on the images directly through her website, and then come back and click on the corresponding link/s maryh posted, they magically work...
  • That's bizarre. I guess it explains why I wasn't having any problems viewing the links. I apologize for the messy post.
  • Actually, it's not really your fault per se maryh. The website is encrypted, thereby Ann Teleneas is basically covering her butt. Just makes it a bit more difficult for us lazy monkeys to manually browse through her website (the horror!). Thanks for the post!
  • Handsome cartoons, maryh.
  • I quite enjoyed these! Thanks!
  • Great stylish design, uneven message delivery (yeah, the "tags" bother me sometimes too), but better than 90% of what's out there...