March 23, 2005

Not to be the guy who links to his favorite band, but New Order has a new album coming out soon. It is called Waiting For The Sirens' Call and from what I have heard so far, it will be fantastic - maintaining the groups fascinating ability to rock out with their well established ability to kick it old school (they did, of course, invent old school.) Both hardcore fans and people who aren't yet cool enough to know who New Order are will both be thrilled. Oh, by the way, check out the special edition New Order iPod. COOLNESS OVERLOAD.

Cover art, as always, by Peter Saville. Seriously, I've heard the whole thing and it's really good. Better than Get Ready and that was amazing too.

  • Plus the couple in the video are WAY HOT. Damn.
  • Also I think the new QOTSA came out today. Probably worth a listen.
  • Old cunts.
  • For a person who has never been hip enough to listen to New Order, what album would you recommend that I purchase to get a feel for their music?
  • Oh fuck, I like something that ActuallySettle likes. One of us has to kill ourselves now. And I think it has to be you, dude; I make no claims toward hipness. (I also listen to Erasure. So there you go.)
  • 1. Hey! 2. Probably Power, Corruption and Lies, Low Life or Substance 1987. I mean, their greatest hits (best of or international) is pretty good but I tend to dislike greatest hits albums, so you might just want to get Substance, which is a singles collection. I can guarantee you will really like Substance. 3. Bah ha ha ha 4. It's the iPod which validified the FPP, duh
  • loto, there's a nice Best of Album that has their older stuff available on CD. (on preview: ActuallySettle has a point, though) You can also sample clips of their stuff on the iTunes store if you're iTunes-enabled. ActuallySettle, the iPod is too geeky k3wl for words. I now repent my mocking of the U2 fans for buying the U2 version.
  • I loved New Order in high school/college, but cooled off to them after Technique. They were better when they were Joy Division, anyway. Suicide is a bitch.
  • Substance is teh greatest CD evar.
  • My god. I have goosebumps. I can't remember the last time I even HAD goosebumps. (That weren't weather-related, anyway.) I'm a solid fan, through and through -- I don't buy the standard line that Technique marked the start of a decline. I would have been sure to buy the new disc on faith alone, but I'm glad to have seen the vid. Thanks for the link! Goosebumps! Serious goddamn goosebumps!
  • New Order were always good, they still are, but more importantly they are COOL. COOL COOL COOL. Just look at their graphic design. COOL. GODDAMN. Technique marked shit. I always wished they'd release the B side of Fine Time on CD, I have it on vinyl and it is harpsichord rocking. NEW ORDER RULES.
  • obvious oxymoronography: "New Wave Old School" But New Order was-and-is great. "True Faith" helped me get out of bed in the morning better than antidepressants (and, IMO, Best Music Video Ever). Are they the only True '80s band that hasn't "jumped the shark"? (Am I the only one totally disappointed in the new "Tears for Fears", or am I just a decade late giving up on them?)
  • I'd agree that LowLife is probably the best New Order album to buy if you want an album, but Substance if you want a singles collection ... But if you buy LowLife you should buy the LP ! (and a record player to play it on!) That tracing paper cover - brilliant - all of factory's graphic design was incredible ... And one of my life-defining moments was walking into a jeans shop in Darlington of all places and seeing the True Faith video for the first time. I just stood there open mouthed ignoring the people trying to sell me jeans!
  • hmmm, new order was and is ok, but I was more of a fan of joy division.
  • Substance is indeed teh shiz-night. That and the video for "Bizarre Love Triangle" rocks out, if for no other reason than Jodi Long's refusal to believe in reincarnation for fear of returning as a bug or as a rabbit. And yeah, if the NO iPod was a color 60 gig one, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
  • more praise for substance. new order is very great.
  • I now repent my mocking of the U2 fans for buying the U2 version. I'll make fun of both. :) I like New Order but I think the special edition ipods are dumb gimmicks. If you want an ipod, why don't you already have one? And if you don't, how does the association with a particular band tip the scales on a $300 purchase? (And they're ugly. The U2 one is very ugly, this one only slightly less.) Meh, maybe I'm just not hip enough to understand.
  • on failure to preview: more praise for substance. Oh teh irony. I just don't understand why a band whose music has that substance would go for such a cheap hollow gimmick. May be a carry-over from the eighties or something, althought I saw new order as the antithesis of that culture of superficiality.
  • New Order to keep going without bassist Hook. Storm's a-brewin'... Firstly, NO without their proper bass sound is no New Order at all. Second, and I stand to be corrected on this, but wasn't there an agreement when they were in Joy Division that any change in lineup would lead to a new band name, which is how 'New Order' came up in the first place?
  • After seeing the pic, I suggest "Old Order".