March 22, 2005

Mosh Girl (some images NSFW)
  • I love the fake iPod ad!
  • Tehre's more.
  • There's more
  • Why does it say 3 comments when there's only 2 in here? (or 4 when there's 3 now)
  • Because I punched "post" at exactly the same time as maryh. Then, when the server gobbled my comment, I posted it again.
  • It's Elaine!
  • Did I wander into Fark by mistake??? I hate it when that happens!
  • Yeah man, she's so retarded for trying to have fun.
  • Anyone who looks good moshing isn't doing it right. And, you go girl. More women need to get into the crowd and show that they can be just as wild and strong. Reminds me that I should find somewhere to mosh again - it's been a long time since highschool. (But it's also been long enough that now I'd really like to find a place to mosh to Vivaldi.)
  • Rock on. Moshing isn't about looking good -- that's disco. This is about having a good time, and the girls are more than welcome to join. And boys, the fact that there's a girl in the mosh pit is NOT an invitation to grope her ass. (I'll never do THAT again...)
  • Actually, the proper name for this meme is "Moshzilla" - see here: Wikipedia entry And here: And here, if you have a very strong stomach and can wade through zillions of NSFW/gory pics in /b/: 4chan. God bless the internets, eh? :)
  • Oooh, so that's the origin of that fark 'shopping theme. Heh.
  • I agree wholeheartedly with jb. Which reminds me, I really need to go to a show soon. Eh. I dislike taking pics of people and making them into farkesque memes. -Kimothy
  • I don't know about the political correctness of laughing at the pics but I cried "Damn the PC" and enjoyed a damned good laugh at her expense.
  • The vast majority of those images were originally posted on and posted on clubvibes without attribution. What a bunch of idiots.
  • Any girl who parties that hardy has got to be good in the sack. Cudos to her enthusiasm.
  • I had a link to an interview with her, but lost it. Can't remember where I found the damn thing now.
  • MCT - I think it was on I just read a short part of it.