March 22, 2005

All the News That's Not Fit to Print "When Adam Steele wandered into Bemidji, few townspeople suspected he would be a major thorn in the city's side. Steele is founder, publisher, editor, reporter, ad salesman and columnist for the "Northern Herald." But claiming businesspeople conspired to keep him from distributing his paper, Steele embarked on three years of litigation against the city and 21 businesses, claiming damages of $600 billion." Part 2 here.

I found this while I was trying to find more information on the recent school shooting. Sorry it's so long, but it's an interesting take on a small town's first ammendment battles with an unlovely, unpleasant man who was, at least some of the time, an effective investigative reporter.

  • With a population of 11,245, Bemidji is one of the largest towns in northern Minnesota. Oh boy, I know this type of place. Resistance, while not futile, is tough. This is a very interesting story. Thank you maryh.
  • This is interesting. Hopefully people from the twin cities will start paying attention. Sounds like the people in power need a close eye kept on them.
  • What is it with cranks and law suits? Despite his tendencies towards becoming a complete wack job, Steele would obviously get a lot more support if he didn't sue anyone who looked cross-eyed at him.
  • This was one of the most well-written and stimulating articles that I have read in a long time. Thanks, maryh.
  • Fascinating article, maryh. As personally distasteful as I find Steele, it seems like, in an odd way, Bemidji needed him. When the local paper actively shies away from printing *news* so as not to ruffle the feathers of those in power, something is really really wrong.
  • Thanks for sharing such a thoughtful and well-considered article. What a bizarre story... the concept of "unlovable messenger" certainly fit him to a T.
  • I'd love to get this guy to write my obit.
  • Finding stuff like this is what makes me love the internets. I'm glad you guys enjoyed it, too. I've been looking for some more of her writing, and I found this story in CJR. (You're fight, meredithea- Bemidji appears to really need the status quo shaken up.) I think I have a new hero.
  • We sure could use a few Steeles in the US national press these days!
  • Careful what you wish for- I've tried slogging through his archives and most of the time he's a grade A crank. I wouldn't mind a few more journalists like the writer of the piece, Louise Mengelkoch (scroll down), though. The more I read about her the more impressed I am.
  • Hot damn! Louise Mengelkoch is an old friend of mine, though we drifted out of touch some years back (I should drop her a line). And yeah, maryh, she's a smart, gutsy, classy woman. Thanks for the link!
  • Very cool, kata! Hey, ask her to start a blog, willya?
  • An engrossing read -- thanks, maryh.
  • While Mrs. Mengelkoch did a pretty good job of reporting the trial of the $600 billion lawsuit, her article contains a number of very severe inaccuracies. For Adam Steele's reply, addressing the worst of these, readers may go to
  • I guess everyone else got the above info in an email to the addresses in the profile as well?